
Showing posts from August, 2023

Wednesday 30th August 2023

When the post was made that the rides would be on, the forecast was for a dry day. But as the riders gathered cloud was building and the first spots of rain could be felt on a morning that saw several quite heavy showers. However the early morning sunshine had produced another excellent turnout of riders. Short Ride Report by John After the other three rides had departed just Dennis, Fiona, Ian, Rosalind, Derek and John remained. It was decided to head out west through the University with the objective of the Manor Farm Shop in Long Whatton. As it had been raining the route out on Forest Road to Shepshed was taken, from where the riders dropped down over the Blackbrook before taking Carr Lane to Belton. Rosalind, Ian and Derek descending Carr Lane. Here they turned left onto Ashby Road before taking another left down Gracedieu Road. The Sustrans route was followed up Chuch Lane to Osgathorpe and then up Breedon Lane to Top Brand. Dennis and Fiona on Breedon Lane  Since several o

Wednesday 23rd August 2023

A rather cool overcast morning with the odd drop of rain falling, but with the forecast being for the sun to show later, saw another good turnout with four rides leaving Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John The short ride proved to be very popular and as the group would have exceeded twelve, Terry kindly offered a ride to Kegworth for which about half the riders opted. After the Kegworth rides had departed John N., Fiona, Ian, Derek, Eric and John headed south for Syston. Taking the old A6 to Mountsorrel before crossing to the eastside of the Soar to Sileby and then Cossington. Here they joined cycle path to Watermead, turning off at Meadow Lane to head into Syston. Fiona climbing Meadow Lane towards Syston  Arriving at Brookside they were pleasantly surprised to find the the cafe was now "The Duck and Willow" and was opening on Wednesdays. Derek, Ian, Fiona, Eric and John outside the Duck and Willow Cafe, Syston. After refreshments it was decided to take the longer

Wednesday 16th August 2023

A fresh and sunny August morning saw another excellent turnout at Holt Drive with four groups setting out. Shortish Ride Report by John John had advertised a 25 mile ride with a refreshment stop at the recently opened "Flying Goose" cafe at Six Hills. He was joined by Fiona, Phil, John, Ian, Margaret and Dennis. Setting out to go through Loughborough they joined the Woodbrook path leading to Epinal Way where a dog suddenly ran out in front of John N. In avoiding the mutt John toppled off his bike, fortunately landing on soft grass without injury. The riders carried across town leaving via Meadow Lane and turning south at Stanford to join the main road up to Hoton (which is very quiet at that time of the morning. Once in Hoton the group took a right turn to Wymeswold, continuing on up Narrow Lane to Six Hills. Margaret leading Ian and Dennis up Narrow Lane. The recently extended cafe at Six Hills provided a lovely location for a mid morning repast alongside the lake.

Wednesday 9th August 2023

A beautiful sunny summer's morning produced an excellent turnout necessitating the need for five groups. Initially there were four rides on offer but the short ride proved to be so popular that Terry offered to lead a ride to Millies while John offered one to the Garden Centre in Cossington. Short Ride 1 Report by John After the other groups had departed Derek, Eric, Andrew, Duncan, Marcus, John and Ian remained. The riders head south towards Quorn before turning left for Barrow on Soar. Climbing up from the river the chain on Marcus's bike got jammed when he changed gear. After a slight delay this was sorted and the group headed east up Melton Road and then turned south for Seagrave.  On the climb up towards Seagrave the chain on Marcus's bike again jammed, but this time it could not be freed without some dismantling of the bike. Derek kindly agreed to stay with Marcus while this was sorted out allowing the other riders to  meander on through Seagrave and then Thru

Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Medium Ride Report by Vic After the papal white smoke of the night before the rides were on, despite the poor weather forecast. A smaller band of enthusiasts had gathered than would normally be expected, obviously put off by the poor weather prospects. JC duly arrived and asked for another leader so I suggested a shortish ride to either Barkby or Syston. The mood seemed to be a shortish ride would be preferable in case the weather forecast actually proved true. 7 of us set off via the town centre and out past the station to Cotes where we turned onto the quieter roads and then through Walton and Seagrave over the A46 and down into Thrussington. We passed through Rearsby into Quenibororugh and then the last mile to our destination at Church View Nursery at Barkby. We were able to sit outside in the sun shine and enjoy our chosen refreshments. We then headed home via the canal path to Cossington where I left the group to wend their own way home. It had not rained, in fact we ha