Wednesday 16th August 2023

A fresh and sunny August morning saw another excellent turnout at Holt Drive with four groups setting out.

Shortish Ride

Report by John

John had advertised a 25 mile ride with a refreshment stop at the recently opened "Flying Goose" cafe at Six Hills. He was joined by Fiona, Phil, John, Ian, Margaret and Dennis.

Setting out to go through Loughborough they joined the Woodbrook path leading to Epinal Way where a dog suddenly ran out in front of John N. In avoiding the mutt John toppled off his bike, fortunately landing on soft grass without injury.

The riders carried across town leaving via Meadow Lane and turning south at Stanford to join the main road up to Hoton (which is very quiet at that time of the morning. Once in Hoton the group took a right turn to Wymeswold, continuing on up Narrow Lane to Six Hills.

Margaret leading Ian and Dennis up Narrow Lane.

The recently extended cafe at Six Hills provided a lovely location for a mid morning repast alongside the lake.

Fiona, Phil, John, Ian, Margaret and Dennis at Flying Goose Cafe, Six Hills.

Phil took the direct route home via Paudy Lane while the remaining riders turned south through Ragby and Hoby to follow the Wreake Valley to Ratcliffe and then on through Cossington, Sileby, Mountsorrel and Quorn to arrive back in Loughborough c.12.30pm.

Medium Ride

Report by Terry

Another good crowd at Holt Drive.

I, Terry, volunteered to lead a 35 mile ride to the Stables at Staunton Harold. Bryan, Anne, Lawerence and a new rider David from Wysall decided to follow me. David being new could be forgiven, the others were just foolhardy!

We left across the Greenbelt to Epinal Way and on towards the A6 down the side of the Blackbrook. When we went under the A6 we all ducked but some had to duck further than most!

Onward to Hathern, Long Whatton and Diseworth after Diseworth we turned left up the short but quite sharp hill towards the A42 over bridge. After the bridge an immediate turn right took us up Gelscoe lane to the A453. After a left turn at the roundabout we paused to let everyone catch up and an offer was made to alter the route slightly to peer into the big hole, that is the Cloud Quarry. This offer was taken up although most had looked into it before, but it is pretty impressive, well it’s not pretty but it is impressive.

Leaving the viewpoint David decided to have a lie down, he really should have got off his bike first! However unhurt and undeterred he continued on with the rest of us to the Cloud Trail.

As we left the Cloud Trail Bryan offered to lead through Melbourne and alongside Staunton Harold reservoir, which was surprisingly busy, to Ticknall and onto the café at Staunton Harold. Along this road a few stragglers got caught behind a herd of cattle and calves being moved.

Arriving at the Stables nearer to lunchtime than planned all the outside seating was taken. Having ordered sustenance, the hot food arrived before the drinks and generally were consumed before the drinks arrived. Which took quite a while to arrive!

As we left the café up the rather steep hill, where at the top Bryan turned left to visit a friend, the rest of us turned right toward the main road and Worthington.

Skirting the edge of Osgathorpe and Belton we headed for Shepshed and Garendon Park and on passed the University to Holt Drive.

A total of 34 miles.

Terry, David, Mike and Lawrence back at Holt Drive

Long Ride

Report by Vic

A reasonable day weather wise was promised by the forecast, a largish group of eager cyclists had therefore gathered at the clubhouse.

JC duly arrived and started to organise the rabble, I had offered a ride either to Lainde or Eye Kettleby Lakes. The Launde option looked a 'Bridge too far' judging by the body language so I confirmed my offer would be to Eye Kettleby.

On setting off I counted 7 recruits, we made our way steadily through Quorn, Mountsorrel, (here as we passed through one of the many sets of roadworks, Rob's chain broke. A small group gathered around him and he was staring down the barrel of a bus journey home, at least getting use out of his bus pass! Then Andy said he'd got a chain splitter and a Hot link, in no time Robs chain was mended and we were all off on our way again. No more than a 10 minute delay)

Onto Sileby then Cossington where we headed up the Humbles towards Ratcliffe and onto Rearsby, Gadesby where we turned towards Great Dalby at the mechanical cow we turned left and covered the last mile quickly as it is mostly downhill.

The venue was its usual bright and welcoming place and we all chose our refreshments and decamped outside where we spent a convivial few minutes.

Our return route took through Kirby Ballars, Asfordby and up into Hoby here Betty chose the undulating route home via Ragdale whilst the rest proffered the flatter but longer route via Thrussington, Ratcliffe and Cossington.

At the bottom of the Humbles I waited and bade the group goodbye, however Ged and Tricia didn't appear and as I was waiting I became aware of my back tyre deflating. Fortunately it was only a short walk home.

I later discovered that Tricia had also had a puncture at the top of the Humbles!!

Thanks to Andrew for his foresight and supply of parts and tools and also Ged for getting his hands dirty and getting the group going again.

Dave, Andy, Tricia, Rob, Vic's head, Betty, Brian? and Ged

I had covered 38.5 miles and 1485ft of climbing.

I hope all enjoyed the ride.
