Wednesday 30th August 2023

When the post was made that the rides would be on, the forecast was for a dry day. But as the riders gathered cloud was building and the first spots of rain could be felt on a morning that saw several quite heavy showers. However the early morning sunshine had produced another excellent turnout of riders.

Short Ride

Report by John

After the other three rides had departed just Dennis, Fiona, Ian, Rosalind, Derek and John remained. It was decided to head out west through the University with the objective of the Manor Farm Shop in Long Whatton. As it had been raining the route out on Forest Road to Shepshed was taken, from where the riders dropped down over the Blackbrook before taking Carr Lane to Belton.

Rosalind, Ian and Derek descending Carr Lane.

Here they turned left onto Ashby Road before taking another left down Gracedieu Road. The Sustrans route was followed up Chuch Lane to Osgathorpe and then up Breedon Lane to Top Brand.

Dennis and Fiona on Breedon Lane

 Since several of the riders had never viewed Cloud Hill Quarry the riders diverted down the Sustrans track to have a look at this vast hole.

Returning to the route a rain shower dampened the riders somewhat as they headed for Diseworth and then on to Long Whatton. The rain was coming down quite hard when they arrived at the farm, but by the time they had sorted out drinks, using the do it yourself coffee machine, the rain had ceased temporarily. After Derek had mopped off the seats the riders were able to enjoy their refreshments before the next shower arrived.

Shortly after leaving the farm a very heavy shower arrived and a stop was made to put on waterproofs. The riders then resumed taking the route back through Hathern. At the Rugby Club Rosalind, Derek, Ian and Dennis chose to go straight on into Loughborough while Fiona and John returned via the path alongside the Blackbrook.
