Wednesday 23rd August 2023

A rather cool overcast morning with the odd drop of rain falling, but with the forecast being for the sun to show later, saw another good turnout with four rides leaving Holt Drive.

Short Ride

Report by John

The short ride proved to be very popular and as the group would have exceeded twelve, Terry kindly offered a ride to Kegworth for which about half the riders opted.

After the Kegworth rides had departed John N., Fiona, Ian, Derek, Eric and John headed south for Syston. Taking the old A6 to Mountsorrel before crossing to the eastside of the Soar to Sileby and then Cossington. Here they joined cycle path to Watermead, turning off at Meadow Lane to head into Syston.

Fiona climbing Meadow Lane towards Syston

 Arriving at Brookside they were pleasantly surprised to find the the cafe was now "The Duck and Willow" and was opening on Wednesdays.

Derek, Ian, Fiona, Eric and John outside the Duck and Willow Cafe, Syston.

After refreshments it was decided to take the longer route home heading south along the canal to Hope and Anchor and then climbing up alongside the A46 to the A6 junction.

The route north took the riders on a tour of the new building site where Bentleys used to trade with the riders successfully negotiating the "closed road". Arriving at Rothley, Eric and Derek chose to take the direct route home while the remaining riders headed back through Swithland and Woodhouse. At Beaumanor John N. carried on for Quorn and home while Fiona, Ian and John returned to Loughborough past Mucklin Wood.

Short Ride 2

Report by David

Destination: Oaklands, Kegworth
Riders: Terry, Anne, Myles, Paul, Dave, Rob, David

As we were arriving at Holt Drive there was a dip in temperature and rain started to fall; so, some of us had to fetch our coats, having expected a fine day. However, the weather warmed during the morning and was quite humid. There was virtually no wind.

Terry took us through town along Woodgate. We turned left onto High Street, followed round onto Baxter Gate, past the Beacon Bingo, then turned left past the Parish Church onto Meadow Lane. This we followed to Stanford on Soar. The traffic was very light in Loughborough and road works may have helped us.

Our first challenging hill was Fox Hill, although none of us needed much of a breather there. We continued through Normanton on Soar and crossed the A6006 to the road into Sutton Bonington. After turning right onto Hungary Lane, we discovered where all the traffic had gone.

There was some discussion about “Cycling Mikey”, the vigilante video-er of drivers using mobile phones in London. We know how dangerous it is to drive while using one of these devices.

We joined the downhill stretch of Trowell Lane towards West Leake. Just after the bend the road ahead was closed, but we went right onto Pithouse Lane. After a right-angle bend, we turned left up Dark Lane. It was fairly peaceful along here until we got near the Gotham Road. Then a field of sheep concealed by hedges weren’t making the usual Baa. It sounded like they had trodden in something disgusting and were complaining vociferously. Until then, I had thought there was no reason why you can’t have sheep in Gotham and goats in Shepshed.

Gotham Road took us to Kingston on Soar, where we veered right to go under the railway bridge. There were roadworks and a red traffic light that had no perceived reason to change. So, we set off anyway the short distance to a coned off refuge that discontinued as we got onto Kegworth Road. This road led to a bend in the road over the River Soar onto one of many Station Roads, none of which are near a station. However, this was not a concern as we were well on our way to Oaklands shop. We got there via the sadly boarded up Cap and Stocking, one of many establishments looking for a decent leaseholder.

Oaklands was quite busy, but efficient as ever. We sat in a row of outdoor tables and discussed football. The time came for the second leg of our journey. Another hill challenge followed up Whatton Road, but first we had to get to that road. There were traffic lights and a sign that advised not to proceed until the green light. Can it be that there are folks who are still not familiar with traffic lights? As it happened, the traffic lights were switched off; so, serious sticklers for rules would still be there as you read this report. Naturally, we had a breather at the top of Whatton Road by the by-pass. As we sailed down the last section of Whatton Road before Long Whatton, a tractor with trailer came the other way. It kicked up so much dust that we had to stop and brush ourselves down so we could see again. 

 At the end of the road, Dave left us as he had to get home early. The rest of us turned right onto Main Street, then left up Smithy Lane. This can be a challenging road in bad weather, but fine today. We joined the Ashby Road and Hallamford Road to Shepshed. All of us managed the steep last few yards onto Oakley Road. Then we coasted through to Countrymans Way and Blacksmiths Avenue to join the track that leads over the M1 to the Garendon Estate.

Whilst bumping along, it occurred to me that I should have taken a group photo. So, I raced ahead to try to snap the group as they came towards me. But everyone treated it as a race, and I was left fumbling for my phone as everyone sped past. So, with phone in one hand and other hand catching the handlebars as the wheels bounced over gravel, I managed to catch up with the group and take the picture. Where’s Cycling Mikey when you need him? Oh, is there a fine for cycling with a mobile in hand?

Terry, Myles, Paul, Rob and Anne

Anyway, we reached Coe Avenue and continued sedately on our respective homeward journeys, although Paul’s bottom bracket started clanking. The return ride to Holt Drive was 22.6 miles. We climbed 1000 feet and averaged 11 mph. Thanks to Terry for a good ride. I expect all of us would have been home by 12:30.

Long Ride

Report by Vic

A largish group had gathered at the club house for the weeks rides. There were some differing versions of the weather forecast, some said heavy rain until 11am, others a low chance of rain.

I had offered two possible rides one a 30 miler to Ulverscroft Grange the other a 40 Miler to Buttercups. When JC arrived, I declared I would do the shorter ride as I didn't feel brilliant .

Now any mention of a trip into the forest, particularly the uplands, fills some people with dread, so I also added we would be going the flattest way!

When we rolled out there were seven of us, so I hadn't put everybody off. To keep the climbing to a gentler nature we went via the cycle path to Shepshed and from here the road ascends gradually past Bawdon Lodge with the odd short steeper section. We eventually arrived at the far side of Beacon Hill and turned onto Beacon Road then a short section of the busy Nanpantan Road where we then turned onto Whitcroft Lane this bought us out at the Stonywell crossroads, we were then left with about a mile to the cafe.

We sat outside as the weather was fine and the views are good, as were the refreshments.

We then set off back via Markfied then we enjoyed the long descent into Newtown Linford, we mulled over whether to brave the hoards of dog walkers, joggers, children etc and go through Bradgate. We decided to give it a go and although busy it wasn't too bad, when we emerged onto Roecliffe Road we turned righrt and went towards Rothley. At the station I gathered the group and said I was continuing onto Cossington but they could go back via Swithland Lane. They all duly turned left down Swithland Lane and I continued onto Cossington.

I had covered 30.30 miles and done 1433 ft of climbing.

Hopefully all had enjoyed the ride.
