Wednesday 2nd August 2023

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

After the papal white smoke of the night before the rides were on, despite the poor weather forecast. A smaller band of enthusiasts had gathered than would normally be expected, obviously put off by the poor weather prospects.

JC duly arrived and asked for another leader so I suggested a shortish ride to either Barkby or Syston.

The mood seemed to be a shortish ride would be preferable in case the weather forecast actually proved true.

7 of us set off via the town centre and out past the station to Cotes where we turned onto the quieter roads and then through Walton and Seagrave over the A46 and down into Thrussington. We passed through Rearsby into Quenibororugh and then the last mile to our destination at Church View Nursery at Barkby.

We were able to sit outside in the sun shine and enjoy our chosen refreshments. We then headed home via the canal path to Cossington where I left the group to wend their own way home.

It had not rained, in fact we had more sun shine than cloud. it just goes to show, you cannot believe the weather forecast as it usually predicts far worse than reality.

I had covered about 25 miles, hopefully all returned safely and had enjoyed the ride.

Short Ride

Report by John

Duncan, Myles, Betty, Derek, Andrew, John and David opted for the short ride to Bawdon Lodge chosen for its capacity to seat every one inside in case we caught a rain shower.

The riders set off through the University and up Outwood Drive to Shepshed and then on to Tickow Lane. After negotiating the construction site at the junction with the A512 the riders continued up Charley Road to Bawdon Lodge Farm where they were joined by Ray. As the rain was holding off, refreshments were taken outside.

Derek leading Duncan, David, Andrew and Betty up Charley Road.

Rather than take the direct route back over Beacon Hill, the riders turned onto Shepshed Road and then took Joe Moores Lane to Roecliffe where they turned left for Swithland and then back via Woodhouse and Quorn. The groups arrived back in Loughborough just before noon.

Duncan, Myles, Betty, Derek, Andrew, Ray and David at Bawdon Lodge Cafe
