
Showing posts from November, 2022

Wednesday 30th Novermber 2022

An overcast morning with a chilly mist saw a good turnout of riders. Short Ride Report by John After the other two groups had left just Myles, John & Derek remainded for the short ride. It was decided to head for the village shop at Nomanton on Soar via Shepshed. The riders departed via the University and wended their way through Shepshed, Long Whatton and Kegworth. As they approached Long Lane John noticed that his rear wheel was rubbing against the stays. He had replaced it the day before and must have failed to tighten the nuts sufficiently. John sorts out his rear wheel. A short stop allowed this to be corrected and the group carried on through Kingston on Soar and then headed south through Sutton Bonington for refreshments at the village shop in Normanton. Myles, Derek & John with a large pot of tea. Duly refreshed the riders returned to Loughborough over Fox Hill, arriving back around noon. Medium Ride Report by Robert Led by Eric, Keith, Andy, Marcus, Margar

Wednesday 23rd November 2022

The forecast on Tuesday evening had been for heavy rain overnight with light rain showers in the morning. However the heavy rain had persisted and only five rather wet people gathered at Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John Three already dampened riders (Derek & the two Johns) departed Holt Drive in pouring rain heading for Rothley Court. Derek wanted to complete the booking for the Xmas lunch. The direct route through Quorn and past the Quarry was adopted as the riders welcomed the thought of getting out of the rain. As it turned out the sun started to appear as they arrived in Rothley. Having ascertained that there were no cakes on offer and once Derek had sorted out the booking, It was decided to head for Bradgate Park as it was now a beautiful sunny morning. Arriving at the park the riders found that the rain had put off most of the walkers and it was almost deserted. Riding through a herd of deer ran parallel with the riders for a while. Derek & John in Bradgate Pa

Wednesday 16th November 2022

An overcast and rather cool day produced a lower turnout of riders than we have seen of late. Medium Ride Report by Stephen A cafe as it started to rain and one who was lost was found. We had a select and very convivial ride, Rob,Tricia and Stephen. Of the 3 possible cafes on our route Hilltop came into view as the rain started. One member had made a run for it, as 2 of us stopped for a drink 5 miles previously and got wet before getting to the cafe. Tricia & Rob at the closed road. As you can see there is no such thing as a closed road on a bike. Otherwise 38 miles completed with out any other incidents. Short Ride Report by John After the other 3 rides had left just Derek, John, Marcus and Pat remained. It was decided to head out along the Saltway and double back to Millie's Cafe at High Meadows Farm. The group left Loughborough via Meadow Way turning right in Stanford to head for Cotes and Walton then climbing up to the Saltway and heading east.  Derek, Pat &

Wednesday 9th November 2022

A sunny autumn morning saw what must have been one of the highest turnouts the Wednesday group has seen with over 30 riders. Short Ride Report by John Once the other three rides had left, Rosalind, John, Jeff (a new rider), Robert, Derek, Clyde, Dom & Paul remained. A short debate ensued about the preferable destination for refreshments and Bawdon Lodge Farm was chosen. John led off through the University but went onto auto pilot and took what would normally be the route for crossing Garendon Park. Rather than go back up the hill he led the group to Forest Road and then took the cycle route along its north side to Shepshed. The riders cut through Cambridge and Oxford Streets, then Anson Road, to Tickow Lane. Jeff & Rosalind on Charley Road After negotiating the A512 the riders followed Charley Road to Bawdon Lodge where the excellent range of cakes was sampled. Jeff, Robert, Derek, Clyde, Dom & Paul at Bawdon Lodge Farm Rosalind took the direct route back to Lough

Wednesday 2nd November 2022

An early autumn day which followed the forecast with sunny intervals and showers developing later saw a good turnout and 4 groups leaving Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by David It was perhaps our first autumnal ride, in view of the warm climate his year. Windy weather and later rain were forecast, so it was a popular choice to join a ride that returned with the wind behind us. Graham led the ride, with a total of 9 of us, including Keith, Dom, Dave, Margaret, Rob Stephens, Myles, Paul and David. Our outward route joined Allendale Road from John Boden Way, accessed via a short, hidden track from Manor Drive. We continued to Quorn along the old A6 and turned right up Wood Lane. At times we were a difficult group to overtake, especially by vehicles that want to use both lanes of the road at once. As we regained our breath at the top of Wood Lane by the roadside, one such vehicle hooted at us to get off the road altogether. We continued along Swithland Lane where someone movi