Wednesday 30th Novermber 2022

An overcast morning with a chilly mist saw a good turnout of riders.

Short Ride

Report by John

After the other two groups had left just Myles, John & Derek remainded for the short ride. It was decided to head for the village shop at Nomanton on Soar via Shepshed. The riders departed via the University and wended their way through Shepshed, Long Whatton and Kegworth. As they approached Long Lane John noticed that his rear wheel was rubbing against the stays. He had replaced it the day before and must have failed to tighten the nuts sufficiently.

John sorts out his rear wheel.

A short stop allowed this to be corrected and the group carried on through Kingston on Soar and then headed south through Sutton Bonington for refreshments at the village shop in Normanton.

Myles, Derek & John with a large pot of tea.

Duly refreshed the riders returned to Loughborough over Fox Hill, arriving back around noon.

Medium Ride

Report by Robert

Led by Eric, Keith, Andy, Marcus, Margaret, Clyde, Dominic and Robert set out from Holt Drive for a new coffee stop, the Royal Oak in Cossington. We managed to ride through Loughborough market place without incident and headed out to Cotes,stopping briefly at the road works just after the Brush entrance. We turned right after Cotes bridge, along Bandals Lane via Burton to Wymeswold where we began the climb to the A46 at six hills. After passing the old home of the Race Hub we turned right for Thrussington via Ragdale and Hoby. Somewhere between Thrussington and Radcliffe a Porsche passed us with hands frantically waving. When we arrived at The Royal Oak we discovered that Rosalind and Phil were waiting for us. The food on offer was a choice of two cakes or sausage rolls. Beverages were coffee and hot chocolate. The service was very good although those who ordered hot chocolate had a little longer to wait. 


After this we proceeded back to Loughborough along the old A6 through Mountsorrel and Quorn. 26 miles, an excellent ride with Keith safely guiding us back after Eric left us in Sileby.

Long Ride

Report by Eric*

*After I failed to find a volunteer to write the ride report, Alan kindly put out a request to the Wednesday group and it was nice that Eric dutifully supplied the following: and whilst it fits very well I feel obliged to add a few few additional details for context. Howard, thank you Eric* 

Eric's report follows: Here you go Alan:
A rag tag bunch of vagabonds left Holt drive at 9.30 following The Wizard they puffed and panted all the way to Oadby as old men do. 

At the Cafe in the barn. The venue was called this because it was a Cafe in a … well you get the drift. They then proceeded to stuff far too much cake down their faces than was good for people of their age (including Jeff♀)

They returned to Loughborough via a different route and very disappointingly failed to record 40 miles on Strava.
There you go you can have that on me.. copy and paste .. like all your old school reports😂

The vagabonds comprised- Myself, Alan, Jeff♀, Mick, Dave, Bryan, Tricia, Stephen and Rob.

They puffed and panted all the way to Oadby as old men do- Eric was unaware that Tricia and Jeff♀ were also in our group of vagabonds.

The Cafe in the barn- Was Stoughton Grange Farm shop and yes it was in a barn.

and very disappointingly failed to record 40 miles on Strava- Whilst at least for one of our group this was true we mostly just got over the 40 mark.

The route:





