Wednesday 2nd November 2022

An early autumn day which followed the forecast with sunny intervals and showers developing later saw a good turnout and 4 groups leaving Holt Drive.

Short Ride

Report by David

It was perhaps our first autumnal ride, in view of the warm climate his year. Windy weather and later rain were forecast, so it was a popular choice to join a ride that returned with the wind behind us.

Graham led the ride, with a total of 9 of us, including Keith, Dom, Dave, Margaret, Rob Stephens, Myles, Paul and David.

Our outward route joined Allendale Road from John Boden Way, accessed via a short, hidden track from Manor Drive. We continued to Quorn along the old A6 and turned right up Wood Lane. At times we were a difficult group to overtake, especially by vehicles that want to use both lanes of the road at once. As we regained our breath at the top of Wood Lane by the roadside, one such vehicle hooted at us to get off the road altogether.

We continued along Swithland Lane where someone moving house needed 2 full size pantechnicons.

Upon reaching the junction near Rothley GCR station, we proceeded along Station Road towards Cropston, then turned right onto Bradgate Road. We were soon past the Cropston Reservoir and into Bradgate Park. An efficient team process for getting bikes through the kissing gates two at a time was perfected, and we carried on along the gentle incline. For the first time we were exposed to harshness of the wind, although made up for by the sight of trickling waterfalls and distant herds of deer.

After we negotiated the second kissing gate and the one-way system at the Newtown Linford end, those thinking we would turn left were proved wrong – we went right then left up Groby Lane. This takes us over the brow of a hill, then in a sweeping trajectory down past Groby Pool. This was no time for a swim, so we continued under the A50 bridge to Groby, and turned left onto Leicester Road with a bridge over the A46. After a short stretch, where we left the main roads, we crossed the A50 and continued towards County Hall. Before the turning for County Hall, we went left on Gynsill Lane. At the end of this road, there is a roundabout where vehicles often come quickly down a hill off the A5630, while switching lanes to the A46 or Anstey. It can be difficult to negotiate this in a car from Gynsill Lane. Fortunately, there is a parallel cycle path that allows cyclists to cross each major road in turn, and another bridge over the A46, taking us to the main road to our coffee destination.

This was Anstey, yet the people there were showing no signs of apprehension.

Peppercorns is a small and popular café. Conveniently, there is a row of cycle moorings just across the road from it. We crossed and went in. The service, food and drinks were excellent; although there were no soft furnishings. So, the noise of chatter was rather amplified.

Dave, Myles, Margaret, Keith, Paul, Robert, Dom & Graham at Peppercorns,  Anstey.

Following refreshment, and allowing Paul to buy a loaf of bread from the nearby bakery, we were led in a detour off the roundabout taking us up Stadon Road. We stayed on this road as it became Ellis Street, to stop briefly outside the William Walton Fish and Chip shop on Forest Gate. Although only open 3 evenings a week, this is a place to experience fish and chips as they used to be served. We continued up to Hollow Road and joined the Link Road going right, down the hill around the outskirts of Anstey to Cropston Road. Here we went left, then after a few hundred yards, right onto Anstey Lane. This took us through the old part of Thurcaston to the crossroads by the Wheatsheaf Inn. We went straight over onto Mill Road, then joined Station Road to Rothley.

This time we cycled along The Ridgeway, then left onto The Ridings, then right into Cross Lane. The lane took us straight, crossing many other thoroughfares, some bollarded, to Mountsorrel Lane. After turning left and down hill past The Green, we were on the familiar Leicester Road.

Most of us headed back to Loughborough on the old A6 and Terry Yardley Way, and were back by 12:30.

The ride was 24.5 miles. It was breezy but we were mostly sheltered from the wind. We averaged 11.1 mph, with an altitude gain 1293 ft. The wind really did guide us home and long before the rain arrived, as Graham had promised.

Slow Medium Ride

Report by Eric

A sunny morning with a brisk south westerly saw 5 join Eric on the slow medium ride. Vic, Rob, Trish, John N and Betty. What drew them to the ride in the first place was unclear. It could have been ‘slow' in the title, or it could have been the exotic venue destination that Eric had put teaser photos of on the Whattsapp group, or it could just have been Eric's magnetic personality, although this seems unlikely!

However follow they did out of Loughborough along the old A 6 to Farleys way. Here Eric allowed Vic to show him a short cut, and this was his downfall, winding through the back streets of Quorn over a footbridge over the river and onto the slabs across the meadows to Barrow. All was going well when they arrived at the bridge. Then they managed to cross the bridge on a red light and Vic by now on the opposite side of the road shot off down some narrow lane. The rest tried to follow. Vic had somehow convince his gullible leader that not only was this a short cut but also missed out the hill. Everyone was jollying along in a higher gear when Vic shot off even more abruptly to the left, up an almost sheer bank on a narrow path. To make matters worse the path was covered with wet fallen leaves. Eric tried to react .. no time to change down him swerved to the left still in about 28th Gear and stood up to exact some torque on the pedals only to find the wheels just span 4 or or 5 times! By the time the hapless group had reached the top their hearts were pumping out their chest and there were some nervous glances around for a defibrillation machine! Vic said that he thought that he had taken the wrong turn but the doubtful looks he got in return proved that his companions, knowing his delight in physical pain, showed they were not convinced!

There were some stirring in the ranks about who was actually leading this ride so Eric took over the reins once more to try and reestablish the slow aspect to the ride. Onto the Sileby road they made their way through Sileby and onto Cossington. Out up the slopes of Humble lane and then right and down under the A46 they turned left at Ratcliffe and headed towards Thrussington. At some point on the journey Eric developed the comedy wobble once again on his crank. Several times they stopped to make poor attempts to fix it. A tool was available this week but a lot of poor workmen blaming this poor tool carried on throughout the morning.

From Thrussington they travelled to Hoby and onto Asfodrby. Out of Asfordby they climbed the steep hill up Saxleby Road then right as if towards Wartneby and then left down hill into Saxleby itself. In the village they turned right at the junction up Ostler lane and progressed up the long gentle rise to the coffee break venue of Woodland view farm shop. They left Eric behind to make further unsuccessful repair attempts.

On arrival they found 2 sheds. One contained a coffee machine and slices of homemade cake. One of each aforesaid cost 2 quid in total for each rider into the honesty box and very nice too. Given the age group Attending there was some difficulty in operating the coffee machine but finally all were furnished with refreshment. The other shed had a small bench and 2 chairs. Three leaner members took the bench and 2 slightly bulkier cyclists took the chairs. Eric deemed to be far too bulky to even enter the small shelter was made to stand outside .. after all the venue was his idea in the first place!! After long discussions it was decided a proper attempt needed to be made to fix the crank. John insisted that the whole thing needed to be taken apart and to be cleaned .. that was done and when put back extreme pressure was exerted upon the small tool in the hope miles could be made without further stoppages.

Off they set up the rest of ostler lane and turned left onto the busy Six Hills road. Along past Nice pie and crossing the A6006 at Shoby crossroads they made their way to Six Hills . At six hills their was a division. Betty wanted to return home via Wymeswold and Vic and Rob Chased after her to catch up and join her. Eric was trying to get back whilst the repair still held good and returned home via Berrycote lane and Seagrave and John and Trish trundled down Paudys lane to Barrow and beyond.

They had travelled around 30 miles at a leisurely 10.5 MPH

The Shortest Ride

Report by John

After the other three rides had left just Derek, John, Rosalind and Phil remained. As Rosalind and Phil needed to be back promptly as they were traveling that afternoon, it was decided that a ride through Bradgate Park to Newtown Linford (children being back in school) would meet the bill. As there had been quite a lot of rain the track past Mucklin Wood was ruled out.

Derek & Rosalind in Bradgate Park.

The riders headed south through Quorn and then turned right up past Mountsorrel Quarry before taking another right turn to Swithland. After negotiating Bradgate Park the group partook of the usual excellent refreshments at the Jade Cafe before returning back through the Park, arriving back in Loughborough around noon.

Derek, Rosalind, Phil & John at the Jade Cafe, Newtown Linford.

The Long Ride

Report by Howard.

Today's ride was designed with climbing in mind but nothing too steep. Steady climbs up to the highest point of the day at 283m shortly after our refreshment stop at Ulverscroft.  To achieve this meant going a fairly long way round. Out on the old A6 to Quorn and then the steady climb up to Granites.  Keeping the height gained it was fairly flat through Cropston and Anstey to Groby where our next climb began.  This took us up past Martinshaw Wood then on up to Markfield, before continuing up to reach Ulverscroft Grange. By now we were looking forward to our tea and cakes.  The service was a little on the slow side however none of were disappointed.  Afterwards we all trooped over to the shed where the model railways hides. Its not often open but today it was. Taking advantage of this opportunity, we perhaps, stayed longer than anticipated; fascinated by the quality of the craftsmanship and realism of the model. So much so that the usual cafe photo was forgotten and as a result we have pictures of the model railway instead.

The last little bit of the uphill wasn't far now before our descent home.  The rest of the ride being downhill with the wind on our backs; down Swannymote Road and Forest Lane, and especially so as we sped along Ashby Road from Belton to Hathern.  Even here staying in the big ring for the short haul uphill. It wasn't long before we were back in Loughborough.
We by the way being; Andy, Mick, Stephen, Alan, Bryan, Rob and myself.  Apologies if I've missed anybody or got the names wrong but I think that is us all.
