Wednesday 16th November 2022

An overcast and rather cool day produced a lower turnout of riders than we have seen of late.

Medium Ride

Report by Stephen

A cafe as it started to rain and one who was lost was found.

We had a select and very convivial ride, Rob,Tricia and Stephen. Of the 3 possible cafes on our route Hilltop came into view as the rain started. One member had made a run for it, as 2 of us stopped for a drink 5 miles previously and got wet before getting to the cafe.

Tricia & Rob at the closed road.

As you can see there is no such thing as a closed road on a bike. Otherwise 38 miles completed with out any other incidents.

Short Ride

Report by John

After the other 3 rides had left just Derek, John, Marcus and Pat remained. It was decided to head out along the Saltway and double back to Millie's Cafe at High Meadows Farm.

The group left Loughborough via Meadow Way turning right in Stanford to head for Cotes and Walton then climbing up to the Saltway and heading east. 

Derek, Pat & Marcus heading for Cotes

The riders then turned into Berrycott Lane and descended to Seagrave before climbing again to the Saltway and heading west to Millie's. Here the came across Mick who at present is unable to cycle due to back problems.

After consuming some highly calorific (but delicious) cakes the riders splt with Pat and Marcus heading east and John and Derek heading west to return to Loughborough via Barrow, arriving back around noon.

Another Short Ride

Report by Keith

Bryan, David, Paul, Myles, Andrew, Robert S and John joined Keith for a 20-25 miler.

Quickly through to Shelthorpe, and Quorn and up towards Rothley, then right to Swithland. Left in the village took us on the slow steady ascent past Bradgate and up to the Beacon crossroads. We were soon at Bawdon Lodge where there had been a supply problem with cheese scones and sausage rolls, so cake had to suffice. Andrew started our deep conversation with immigration, before we entered various moral mazes.

Robert, John, Andrew, Myles, Paul, David & Bryan at Bawdon Lodge Farm.

Having sorted the world out again, we set off for the wonderfully downhill to Shepshed, along with some sunshine. Then it was back through Garendon trail, arriving just after midday.

Long Ride

Report by Howard

The long ride to Mercia Marina was undertaken by Alan, Dave, Jeff♀, Mick and myself. We've been here before, however the last time it was the end of March when it was a little warmer and brighter with spring well on the way, now its late autumn and not quite so warm. We headed out via junction 23 and through Shepshed and Belton. On a whim whilst passing through Tongue I changed my mind on the route and decided to take the Cloud trail instead of the hill past Breedon church to Wilson and Melbourne. The trail is particularly impressive at this time of year with the fallen leaves and awesome autumn colour.
Having reached Melbourne we took the trail past Staunton Harold reservoir and on through to Ticknall. I think it was while passing the cafe Shop and Scoff, Jeff♀ realised how hungry she was and was hoping our stop would appear shortly. (It later transpired that she had only had chocolate for breakfast) It would not however appear for another 10km. Repton was interesting; a chappie in a vintage car decided to pull out from his side of the road, the left hand side of the road and drive into the oncoming traffic (us) and then after turning right into presumably his drive stopped to enquire (I'm not sure if 'enquire' is the right choice of word) whether we understood the rules of the road, Mick not one to mince his words took, (rightfully) umbrage at this and gave him a few choice words of his own. Willington and the Marina were now not that far away.
At the marina it was still ok to sit outside, which was fortunate as it was full inside. A lady sat at one of the tables told us where cyclists usually park their bikes, so we took her advice and did the same, thus perpetuating the status quo.

Refreshments over, and Jeff♀ duly fortified, we headed to Swarkestone, Weston on Trent and Aston on Trent, Shardlow then along the Soar valley back home. This part of the route, apart from Fox Hill, was in the main flat and we made good progress home to Loughborough.
