
Showing posts from February, 2022

Wednesday 23rd February 2022

Short Ride Report by John With some riders suffering from various maladies and others needing to be back early, the short ride proved popular this week. John was joined by Derek, Myles, Eric, Andrew, Marcus, John and Paul. As everyone apart from Andrew was dressed in bright yellow, Andrew found himself nominated as backmarker since his orange top was readily identifiable. A not too hilly route was requested so Rothley Station, rather than Ulverscroft, was chosen as the destination. Derek had reported that the track past Mucklin Wood was "OK" so that routes was chosen with the ride passing through Woodhouse, Swithland, Cropston and Thurcaston before arriving at Ellis's Tea Room next to the station. Refreshments were consumed in the sunshine and most of the riders returned via Swithland and Quorn arriving back in Loughborough just before noon. Medium Ride Report by Vic On a blustery, but bright day a good number of expectant cyclists gathered at Holt Drive. Th

Wednesday 16th February 2022

Short Ride Report by John Once the riders opting for longer rides had departed, just John, Ian, Rosalind and David remained. Everyone favoured remaining on Tarmac and starting out into the rather blustery wind. The group set out through the University taking Oakwood Drive up to the old Ashby Road junction, a route not taken before by a couple of the riders. It was then up to and through Shepshed to Tickow Lane leading to Charley Road. Gradually climbing the riders passed the temptation of a tea stop at Bawdon Lodge Farm and continued to Beacon Road where they turned left and left again onto Shepshed Road for the descent to Deans Lane. A longish ascent followed by a fast decent took them to Woodhouse Lane and a steep climb up to Olivia's at the Outwoods for refreshment. After a pleasant sojourn in some well upholstered seating, the riders descended to Woodhouse Eaves and on home via Quorn, arriving in Loughborough around noon. Medium Ride Report by Vic On a blustery but

Wednesday 9th February 2022

Medium Ride Report by Keith Paul, Betty (on a new second-hand bike), Andrew, John, Lynn (on a new bike), Ian, Mick, Myles and Keith set off a little late and headed for the Aldi roundabout via Beacon Road and the new estate, encountering the usual friendly dog-walkers on the final path. Then it was off through Quorn and a right turn up past the quarry and Granite cafĂ©, then into Swithland. I (Keith) intended us to continue past the triangle junction and then left into Woodhouse Eaves, but unfortunately the tail three of our group turned left at the triangle up towards Hunts Hill. After waiting a few minutes and wondering where they had got to, another couple of passing cyclist said, “They went left back there!”. Keith chased after them and found them some way up the hill, and they decided that they would not give up there hard-earned height but continue, so we arranged to regroup at the top of Maplewell Hill. So they climbed their hill, and the rest of ascended Maplewell Road,

Wednesday 2nd February 2022

Long Ride Report by Alan After an absence of 3 weeks due to a combination of an unhealthy pursuit of money, and a hip injury sustained from a bike crash, I re-emerged at Holt Drive offering a long ride of 42 miles. I had re-branded my Scraptoft ride as a Barkby ride owing to the fact that last time no-one seemed to want to go to Scraptoft. Luckily, Trish, Marcus, Vic, Mick, Dave, and Brian fell for the ruse and we set off at 9.30am prompt with a promise to get back by 1.30pm. The outward journey took us along the A6 through Quorn, Mountsorrel, Sileby and Cossington. It was then a sharp right turn at Platts Lane, past the canal and on to Barkby Thorpe. It is here that the coffee stop was situated, but as we had only cycled 11 miles at this stage a loop around Beeby, Keyham and Scraptoft was first called for. It was on the way to Beeby that I spied, at the side of the road, hundreds of discarded sachets. Were they mayonnaise sachets or condoms? I sought the advice of Vic and the