Wednesday 23rd February 2022

Short Ride

Report by John

With some riders suffering from various maladies and others needing to be back early, the short ride proved popular this week. John was joined by Derek, Myles, Eric, Andrew, Marcus, John and Paul. As everyone apart from Andrew was dressed in bright yellow, Andrew found himself nominated as backmarker since his orange top was readily identifiable.

A not too hilly route was requested so Rothley Station, rather than Ulverscroft, was chosen as the destination. Derek had reported that the track past Mucklin Wood was "OK" so that routes was chosen with the ride passing through Woodhouse, Swithland, Cropston and Thurcaston before arriving at Ellis's Tea Room next to the station.

Refreshments were consumed in the sunshine and most of the riders returned via Swithland and Quorn arriving back in Loughborough just before noon.

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

On a blustery, but bright day a good number of expectant cyclists gathered at Holt Drive. The rides offered this week were Howard leading to Packington, John C to Rothley Station and myself a 30ish mile ride to Valeview Equestrian centre at Old Dalby.

5 brave souls chose my offer. So Margaret, Rob, Alan, Brian and myself set off along the cycle path to Quorn. We carried on along the old A6 into Mountsorrel where we turned off towards Sileby here we had to not only negotiate a Road closed section for roadworks but also mount the pavement to avoid the flooded road.

At Cossington we turned to go up Bennett’s Lane and up the hill to Ratcliffe thankfully the wind was in our favour. After Ratcliffe we passed through Thrussington, Hoby and Asfordby where we turned up another hill towards Saxelby and Grimston. The climb up from Saxelby made us ready for our refreshment stop which was at the Equestrian centre above Old Dalby.

There was a lot of cars and large horse lorries in the car park and the cafe was reasonably busy. On asking I was informed the British showjumping team were visiting. Sure enough from our seats we could watch some expensive looking horses going about their business in the adjacent barn.

After the customary photo we set off back into what seemed to be a much stronger head wind. We went via Willoughby, Wysall and Wymeswold to avoid the busy section of road. At Wymeswold I turned off for Burton whilst the rest went via Hoton.

I had done 42 miles but the ride from Holt Drive would have been about 33.

Thanks to all for their company.


As an aside why has Alan got a miniature horse and rider on his head?

Long Ride

Report by Phil

Six riders, set out from Loughborough, ( Viz...Howard, Robert, Dave, Mick, Bryan and Phil). Howard showed us a new route past the ice box, which many of us recall, through the old Brush sports club grounds onto the Forest Road and up Nanpantan Hill. Unlike the recent Wednesday cyclists poem referencing gentle zephyrs heralding the start of spring, a full blown headwind and climbing were experienced. Turning right and up past the priory, no one could complain about a lack of cardio work. Through Whitwick, and Farm town, we crossed the A511, the least pleasant part of our outward journey. Coffee was taken at Barkers after navigating significant road works in Packington village. Returning initially the same way, we reached the Rempstone Road and now, with the wind with us and the climbing largely behind us, it was time for some time trialling. Initially, Howard and I used the gradient and prevailing wind only to work towards some personal bests. We were then joined by two others who caught us up and raced flat out to Hathern where we regrouped for the gentle ride back into Loughborough. 







