Wednesday 16th February 2022

Short Ride

Report by John

Once the riders opting for longer rides had departed, just John, Ian, Rosalind and David remained. Everyone favoured remaining on Tarmac and starting out into the rather blustery wind.

The group set out through the University taking Oakwood Drive up to the old Ashby Road junction, a route not taken before by a couple of the riders. It was then up to and through Shepshed to Tickow Lane leading to Charley Road. Gradually climbing the riders passed the temptation of a tea stop at Bawdon Lodge Farm and continued to Beacon Road where they turned left and left again onto Shepshed Road for the descent to Deans Lane. A longish ascent followed by a fast decent took them to Woodhouse Lane and a steep climb up to Olivia's at the Outwoods for refreshment.

After a pleasant sojourn in some well upholstered seating, the riders descended to Woodhouse Eaves and on home via Quorn, arriving in Loughborough around noon.

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

On a blustery but mild Wednesday morning the usual suspects gathered at the Holt Dr rendezvous. There were 3 proposed rides JC leading a short ride to the new Outwoods cafe, Howard leading a longish ride to Melbourne, and myself offering a shortish ride to a new cafe in Birstall. I’m not sure if it was the prospect of a short ride or a new cafe which was the draw but this week there were 7 willing followers (Myles, Mick, Keith, Andrew,Clyde, Patrick and Marcus).

We set off with the strong gusty wind slightly in our favour. We travelled via Quorn ( where we followed a few sniper routes to the Slabs) Barrow, Cossington, where we joined the Canal towpath to Syston. Here we entered Watermede Park and there certainly was a lot of water after yesterday’s rain! So much so we found our proposed route flooded.

After a short discussion about the merits of trying to cycle through the flood we decided to look for an alternative route. We took the advice of some of the numerous dog walkers and found our way to Birstall where it was a short pedal to our destination.

I hope JB Kitchen did not disappoint on the refreshment front, I partook of a sausage roll with chorizo and a latte which I can thoroughly recommend.

On leaving we had the customary photo and then via several back roads worked our way to Greengate Rd where we tackled the one notable climb of the day. We turned onto Thurcaston Lane following the cycle way into the village. Just here one of our number had a puncture which was quickly dealt with and we were soon on our way again via Cropston, Swithland, skirting Woodhouse eventually to Quorn where I left the group for my 2nd trip of the day back to Cossington

Thanks to all for their company, I hope they all enjoyed the ride.

Shortened Long Ride

Report by Howard

Originally I had planned a ride to Swarkestone Nurseries, going against the wind with the wind on backs on the return. Setting off it was immediately evident with the strength of the wind that it would take far too long, so the ride was shortened to Melbourne; destination Tori and Ben's, instead. With me were, the two Bryans, Bryan and Brian, Mick, Rob, and Dave. Out, through Uni, along Epinal Way, off down by Burleigh Brook, then the recently cleaned up A6 left hand side cycle track all the way to the new Kegworth bypass. The bypass was particularly brutal. The exposure to the wind causing no end of issues, number one being staying on the bike, and two trying to go forward. perseverance paying off we crossed the M1 and the A50 feed road and headed towards the Amazon and DHL distribution centres, before turning off down a wonderful cycle track to Lockington and then on to Hemington. Up the hill to Castle Donington then along Park Lane towards the Priest House Hotel, turning off left to go up the new bypass round the back of Castle Donington to bring us out on the Airport ring road. From here it was down to Isley Walton right onto Melbourne Road and on to King's Newton and shortly after Tori and Ben's. The canopy and bench seating has gone (wind damage on more than one occasion, I understand), we did though find limited seating under cover. (see picture). Note there will be improved outside seating at some point in the near future, (according to staff).

Refreshments consumed, we returned via the Cloud Trail back to Wilson then taking the usual route to Belton and to Shepshed. Here a diversion from what would be a muddy Garendon Park return, or over the hill to Hathern, we plumped for, up to Junction 23 and down into Loughborough. En route various persons dropped off the group on their return legs home. In all I believe we all covered over 50K, (30 plus miles) and 560 metres (1850 feet) of ascent. More than enough given the windy conditions. We arrived back just before 13:30 and the onset of rain.







