Wednesday 9th February 2022

Medium Ride

Report by Keith

Paul, Betty (on a new second-hand bike), Andrew, John, Lynn (on a new bike), Ian, Mick, Myles and Keith set off a little late and headed for the Aldi roundabout via Beacon Road and the new estate, encountering the usual friendly dog-walkers on the final path. Then it was off through Quorn and a right turn up past the quarry and Granite café, then into Swithland.

I (Keith) intended us to continue past the triangle junction and then left into Woodhouse Eaves, but unfortunately the tail three of our group turned left at the triangle up towards Hunts Hill. After waiting a few minutes and wondering where they had got to, another couple of passing cyclist said, “They went left back there!”. Keith chased after them and found them some way up the hill, and they decided that they would not give up there hard-earned height but continue, so we arranged to regroup at the top of Maplewell Hill. So they climbed their hill, and the rest of ascended Maplewell Road, and we all met again and kept together for the last bit of climbing up to the Beacon cross-roads, where we took a left and then right and coasted down to Bawdon Lodge for our stop. There is always plenty of table room there and it is nice and warm – but that doesn’t help getting going again.

Due to time constraints John and then Lynn and Andrew peeled off back to L’boro, whilst the rest continued down to Shepshed and followed Tickow Lane (Ian heading off home to Belton, and Betty heading to Sutton Bonington). So the remaining four followed the Garendon Trail and so back.

I had set my Strava going but left my phone in the kitchen, so estimated mileage was 23.

Long Ride

Report by Vic

As usual a decent sized group of Lycra clad OAPs assembled at the meeting point.

When JC turned up the menu of rides was announced. Terry shortish ride to Kegworth, Keith medium ride to Bawdon Lodge, Howard longish ride to Alpaca farm at Snarestone and my offering of a 35 miler to Eye Kettleby Lakes.

The groups then coalesced around the various leaders, I had 2 takers (must remember to use more deodorant!).

So Trish, Dave and myself set off via Barrow, Seagrave, Thrussington, Rotherby, Gadesby and Great Dalby. Some stiff hilly sections but we arrived ready for refreshment to be greeted by a wood burning stove and a warm room.

We made our way back via Kirby Bellars, Asfordby, Hoby, Ragdale and then back down Paudy lane to Barrow where we were passed by a small person powered space craft!!

At Barrow I turned left for home and the others tuned right for their respective homes.

I had done 43 miles and 1900ft of climbing.

Thanks to Trish and Dave for their company.

Short Ride

Report by Terry

Another good gathering at Holt Drive I (Terry) was joined by Pat, David and John for a ride to Oaklands at Kegworth, I am sure that Oaklands butties were the main draw and not the shorter ride nor my wonderful leading!!!

We were one of the last groups to leave heading to town via the Greenbelt and Forest Road. We avoided the Market Place as it is still being dug up (and hopefully improved) by way of Woodgate, High Street and Baxter Gate. Meadow Lane saw us leave Loughborough behind and on to Stanford. Noting, for another week, that the road up Stanford Hill is now open, we turned left up Fox Hill, the first of three good hills on this route.

Through Normanton and onto Sutton Bonnington, were again it was noted that the café has reopened! Up Marle Pit Hill the second good hill, passed the School of Agriculture towards Kingston and two left turns brought us onto the road to Kegworth. By this time it was looking very black and grim up north! On through Kegworth to Oaklands still looking very black.

Surprisingly, especially with me there, no one had cakes, but we seemed to find the cobs quite amenable. There was a discussion on the best way back to Wymeswold avoiding the Rempstone Turnpike. The rain that looked to be promised did not materialise so we left Oaklands sustained and dry!

Up Whatton Lane, the last major hill, fairly quickly no doubt aided by the cobs so recently consumed. Across the Kegworth bypass and to Long Whatton and Hathern, where Pat left us to go to Wymeswold via Sutton Bonngton, West Leake, East Leake, Costock and Wysall. The remaining “gentlemen” returned to Loughborough along the A6, the Blackbrook and Epinal Way. Separating at Forest Road.  

Another Long Ride

Report by Howard

Six of us set out, our destination Alpaca Park Farm. Robert, Mick, Clyde, Rob, Marcus and myself. the original intention was to go straight up Nanpantan to Copt Oak, fearing a munity I ruled that out, and set out in a more leisurely manner to Shepshed via Hathern, through Belton and onto Thrinsgtone before picking up Station Hill (halfway up) to Swannington. (Again I had thought of taking Station Hill from the beginning at Peggs Green but thought better of it). Ravenstone then Heather, Swepstone and finally to our intended cafe stop at Snarestone; the Alpaca Park Farm. We parked our bikes round the back, before settling in for coffee and cake. 

Coming back it was Newton Burgoland, Heather, Ibstock, Ellistown, Hugglescote, and then the direct route to Shepshed taking in all the hills.

Six of us returned having covered approximately 38 miles and 1875 feet of climbing.


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