
Showing posts from June, 2023

Wednesday 5th July 2023 - Annual Summer Ride and short ride.

Shorter Ride to Foxton Locks Report by David The weather was cloudy with the occasional light breeze, so quite ideal for cycling.  Participating in the shorter route to Foxton were Mick Gould (leader), Derek, David, Robert Stephens, Pat, John, Dave, Dom, Chris Gibson, Clyde and Steve, who is a friend of Clyde. Pat, Mike, Dom, David, Derek, John, Robert, Steve, David and Clyde at start of shorter ride to Foxton Locks. Our destination was the Foxton Locks Inn, where Derek had booked 2 tables in the conservatory. Much of this ride was off-road, particularly through Leicester. We made out way via Quorn and Mountsorrel to Rothley, where we turned onto the Syston Road.  Opposite Platts Lane we entered Cossington Lakes and continued through to the Hope and Anchor. We crossed Wanlip Road and entered Watermead Park down the slope to the canal towpath and right through the gate to John Merrick’s Lake.  We carried on South until Keys Lake, then West towards Birstall, but stayed in the park go

Wednesday 28th June 2023

An overcast but warm morning saw another excellent turnout with four rides departing from Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John The short ride proved popular again this week with Dennis, Paul, David, Duncan, Rosalind, Fiona, Sally (a new rider), John and Keith taking this option. It was decided to head for the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall and after a brief delay while Paul pumped up a soft tyre, the riders headed south out of Loughborough past Mucklin Wood to Beaumanor Hall. Rosalind leading Fiona, Duncan and David past Mucklin Wood  From there they rode through Swithland to Rothley and then up to the A6/A46 junction. Taking the bridge over the A6 to Wanlip the group arrived at the Church Hall where luckily a table was available. Dennis, Paul, David, Duncan, Rosalind, Fiona, Sally and Keith at the Methodist Church Hall Tea Room in Birstall. After sampling the exceedingly good value fare (tea and cake £2) the riders returned via Watermead Park, Cossington, Sileby, Mountsorr

Wednesday 21st June 2023

Short Ride Report by John A beautiful warm sunny midsummer's day morning produced a good turnoout at Holt Drive. After the longer rides had left Dom, Clyde, Dennis, John C., Rob, Fiona, John N., Eric, Rosalind, Andrew and Duncan remained. It was decided to head for Bawdon Lodge Farm Cafe, this venue being reported to be fully operatonal again. As the route to Shepshed via Garendon Park hadn't been used for some time this option was chosen. However Clyde and Dom didn't fancy the "rough stuff" so it was agreed they would take the tarmac to Shepshed and rejoin the group on Tickow Lane. John leading Eric, Rosalind and Dom up Charley Road The remaining riders head out through the University and meandered over to Coe Avenue to take the somewhat puddle ridden trail to Shepshed where they re-united with Clyde and Dom. The group then climbed Charley Road to Bawdon Lodge where refreshments were taken outside in the adjoining field. Dom, Clyde, Dennis and Rob at Baw

Wednesday 14th June 2023

Today Blazing June lived up to it name with a cloudless blue sky and bright sunshine which attracted what might be a record turnout at Holt Drive with 4 groups setting our in various directions. Short Ride Report by John The Short Ride attracted John C., Chris, Myles, Anne, Duncan, Andrew, Rob, John N. and Terry. The riders set out via Cross Lane and Shelthorpe to Quorn from where they ascended past the Quarry and onwards to Rothley. It was then a climb up to the A46 junction and the pedestrian/cyclist bridge was crossed to Wanlip. Chris, Myles, Anne, Duncan, Andrew, Rob, John and Terry in Watermead Park. Rather than turn right for Birstall, the riders went left through Wanlip to join the rather neglected cycle path (that is needlessly kerbed from the pedestrian path) alongside the A46, leading to the northern entrance to Watermead Park. Chris, Terry and Anne passing the King Lear floating statues. The group then followed the road on the West side before joining the track at t

Wednesday 7th June 2023

Long Ride Report by Graham 2 new recruits today: I brought along 2 of my offspring, Thomas and Grace; both are in training for a half Iron Man so were under strict instructions to be prepared to ride at LWC speed (half their usual pace), or do their own navigation. They plumped for the former option, and we 3, accompanied by VIc, Andy, Robert, Laurence and Bryan had a pleasant and fairly flat ride to Elvaston Castle. The most notable observation was that there was lots more local traffic than normal, almost certainly due to the Download festival, with locals taking to the back roads to avoid the great unwashed hordes of rock fans. Long Whatton to Kegworth is usually deserted, today it was like the M25. Bravely, we made it through to Wyatt's tea rooms at Elvaston, where cake and coffee were consumed, and Bryan regaled us with some choice Grandad jokes. Grace, Thomas, Laurence, Bryan, Robert, VIc and Andy at Elvaston Castle. On the return leg, Aston-on-Trent was positively