Wednesday 7th June 2023

Long Ride

Report by Graham

2 new recruits today: I brought along 2 of my offspring, Thomas and Grace; both are in training for a half Iron Man so were under strict instructions to be prepared to ride at LWC speed (half their usual pace), or do their own navigation. They plumped for the former option, and we 3, accompanied by VIc, Andy, Robert, Laurence and Bryan had a pleasant and fairly flat ride to Elvaston Castle.

The most notable observation was that there was lots more local traffic than normal, almost certainly due to the Download festival, with locals taking to the back roads to avoid the great unwashed hordes of rock fans. Long Whatton to Kegworth is usually deserted, today it was like the M25.

Bravely, we made it through to Wyatt's tea rooms at Elvaston, where cake and coffee were consumed, and Bryan regaled us with some choice Grandad jokes.

Grace, Thomas, Laurence, Bryan, Robert, VIc and Andy at Elvaston Castle.

On the return leg, Aston-on-Trent was positively gridlocked, and as we crossed the A42 just by Breedon Quarry, traffic was backed up for miles queuing to get in to Donington Park.

Finally, as we climbed up the steep bit of Hallamford Road into the back of Shepshed, we we nearly taken out by an impatient Range Rover driver, who tried to pass us all despite being completely unsighted and then swerved into the group on encountering the inevitable oncoming vehicles. The little blue fiat 500 driver was probably as traumatised as we were by the sight of a Chelsea tractor bearing down on it at high speed.

But we lived to tell the tale, and split just after there, with some going left and back via the Garendon, others going right and over the forest. We 3 were home before 2pm, having ridden around 47 miles. And then Grace went for a run...

Short Ride

Report by John

A disappointingly overcast and cool moring in "Blazing June" saw a good turnout with John N, Derek, Dom, Dave, Clyde, Eric and John C opting for the short ride. it was decided to head into the wind by riding down the Soar Valley. The group departed via the town centre and Meadow Lane and proceeded north to Kingston on Soar and then turned south via Dark Lane to West Leake and left to East Leake.

Dave leading Eric, Dom and Derek down Dark Lane

Here there was some discussion as to whether to get refreshments from Birds or Bryer's and sit in or out. In the end the riders chose to sit upstairs in Bryer's. 

John N, Derek, Dom, Dave, Clyde, Eric and John C. in Byer's Upstairs.

Refreshments consumed the riders returned via Stanford on Soar and Meadow Lane arriving back in Loughborough just before noon.

Derek's "Refeshment"
