Wednesday 14th June 2023

Today Blazing June lived up to it name with a cloudless blue sky and bright sunshine which attracted what might be a record turnout at Holt Drive with 4 groups setting our in various directions.

Short Ride

Report by John

The Short Ride attracted John C., Chris, Myles, Anne, Duncan, Andrew, Rob, John N. and Terry. The riders set out via Cross Lane and Shelthorpe to Quorn from where they ascended past the Quarry and onwards to Rothley. It was then a climb up to the A46 junction and the pedestrian/cyclist bridge was crossed to Wanlip.

Chris, Myles, Anne, Duncan, Andrew, Rob, John and Terry in Watermead Park.

Rather than turn right for Birstall, the riders went left through Wanlip to join the rather neglected cycle path (that is needlessly kerbed from the pedestrian path) alongside the A46, leading to the northern entrance to Watermead Park.

Chris, Terry and Anne passing the King Lear floating statues.

The group then followed the road on the West side before joining the track at the top of King Lear's Lake and circling round the northern park back toward Wanlip Road and the Hope and Anchor Pub. Here they were obstructed at the gap allowing access to the Grand Union towpath by a family of swans and cygnets. Several minutes were taken up urging this group onward into the canal.

The family of swans that delayed progress can be seen in the canal.

The riders then followed the cycle track north alongside the canal to Cossington and the Garden Centre where excellent refreshments were taken at a leisurely pace (set by the speed of service) in the shade of some trees in the very attractive gardens. Here the riders also found Dom, Clyde and Dave who had not made it to the start on time, due to a puncture, and had chosen the destination independently.

The return to Loughborough was incident free via Sileby, Mountsorrel and Quorn, arriving back c.12.30.
