
Showing posts from May, 2023

Wednesday 31st May 2023

Short Ride Report by Rosalind In John’s absence – Philip was once again given the task of co-ordinating this morning’s rides. Unfortunately, many of the usual ride leaders were unavailable today, so he sent out a Wattsapp plea for anyone who hadn’t led a ride before to take up the challenge and have a go. I was party to the fact that a couple of regulars had offered a longer and a medium ride, so I bravely stepped up and told Philip I would give it a go, but with a maximum group size of 6, myself included. We decided that if no-one else offered this week, and there were a significant number wanting a short ride, we would do a pincer action on Oaklands in Kegworth, with Philip going up and over Fox Hill on the way there and back through Long Whatton and Hathern and my group going the opposite way. Oaklands is always a popular choice with us and incidentally, I could get goodies to take to my dad tomorrow, whilst there. Just before leaving home, more Wattsapp messages were rece

Wednesday 24th May 2023

A beautiful late May spring morning with a pure blue sky and a forecast of dawn to dusk sunshine, saw a very high turnout at Holt Drive with 4 groups departing in various directions. Short Ride Report by John The short ride proved very popular this week with Pat, Roman, Rosalind, Duncan, Betty, Fiona, Myles, Robert, Andrew and John opting for a ride to the East Goscote garden centre at Cossington. The riders departed through Shelthorpe and then proceeded south towards Quorn but turing left to Barrow and on up onto the Saltway. This they followed until Berrycott Lane was reached and they turned south west towards Seagrave. Duncan & Robert leading the ride. Fiona leads Andrew, Myles, Betty, Rosalind, Pat and Roman down Berrycott Lane Unfortunately as the riders began the descent to Seagrave, Fiona encountered a pothole and gravel which in combination took her off, resulting in some severe grazes and bruising. Pat and Roman very kindly volunteered to ride back to Wymeswold an

Wednesday 17th May 2023

Short Ride Report by John A ride to Normanton on Soar was on offer for the short ride this week and John led Derek, Fiona, Duncan, Eric, Rosalind, John and Andrew out through the University.The group wended its way to Kenilworth Avenue where they joined the cycle track that led them over and alongside the Black Brook to the east side of the A6 at Dishley. The Riders then went through Hathern onto Long Whatton where they turned north up Kegworth Lane. Duncan & Fiona on Kegworth Lane Once in Kegworth the group headed for the bridge over the Soar and then onto Kingston where they turned south. John had planned on a rather circuitous route via West Leake, but at the left turn onto Melton Road Andrew's chain broke. Once some chain breaker tools had been located to allow the chain to be reconnected, Duncan kindly agreed to remain with Andrew while it was sorted out. The remaining riders continued on the "circuitous route" along Brickyard Lane, up Travell's Hill

Wednesday 10th May 2023

Short Ride Report by Derek Some 25 to 30 cyclist arrived at Holt Drive on a sunny morning but, with the weather about to turn nasty around lunchtime, most of the rides were shortish between 20 to 30 miles. Our group comprising of Clyde, Dom, Dennis, Rob, Myles, John, Pat, Rosalind and Derek decided to head for Bawdon Lodge so we could get back before the rain. Derek was leading but having lost two riders for most of the ride last week, he asked John to assist him. Heading out through the University we took the main road to Shepshed avoiding Garendon Park because of the muddy tracks. After crossing the M1 we turned right on to Leicester Rd then left on to Cambridge St, picking up Tickow Lane. Once we had crossed the busy Ashby Road it was a short ride along Charley Rd to our destination. Rosalind and Pat on Charley Road However for some reason the cafe was closed this week once we got over our disappointment we decided to double back on ourself and head to St Joseph's te

Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Short Ride Report by Derek About 30 riders turned up at Holt Drive as it was such a lovely Spring morning. After dividing into our groups Fiona, Rosalind, Duncan, Clyde, Dom, Robert, Rob, Myles & Derek set off for an old favorite at Jade's Tea room via Bradgate Park (we're looking for a ride of about 20 Miles). Heading out on the usual route via Mucklin Wood to Woodhouse and Cropston. Here we found the road closed but we're told we could walk our bikes through the roadworks. We carried on a steady climb on Link road then turned right and down to Jade's tearoom. Robert, Rosalind, Fiona, Myles, Rob, Duncan, Dom and Clyde in Bradgate Park Being such nice weather we managed to get seated outside to enjoy our cake and coffee. After being suitably refreshed we headed back through Bradgate Park then back to Loughborough. We covered 21 miles in total. Long Ride Report by Graham They said it couldn't be done; they said it was impossible; but finally I ac