Wednesday 31st May 2023

Short Ride

Report by Rosalind

In John’s absence – Philip was once again given the task of co-ordinating this morning’s rides. Unfortunately, many of the usual ride leaders were unavailable today, so he sent out a Wattsapp plea for anyone who hadn’t led a ride before to take up the challenge and have a go. I was party to the fact that a couple of regulars had offered a longer and a medium ride, so I bravely stepped up and told Philip I would give it a go, but with a maximum group size of 6, myself included. We decided that if no-one else offered this week, and there were a significant number wanting a short ride, we would do a pincer action on Oaklands in Kegworth, with Philip going up and over Fox Hill on the way there and back through Long Whatton and Hathern and my group going the opposite way. Oaklands is always a popular choice with us and incidentally, I could get goodies to take to my dad tomorrow, whilst there. Just before leaving home, more Wattsapp messages were received with a ride leader unable to join us, and fortunately, a replacement stepping up at the last minute.

It was a dull and muzzily morning and as 9.30 approached, it was apparent that a large group wanted the shorter ride, so we split the group; Philip’s half consisting of Rob, Dom, Duncan, Myles and Dennis and my group consisting of the heroes of last week Pat and Roman, Derek and Howard. Being an ex-geography teacher (who took field trips out of school) and with Howard’s experience of leading rides, what could possibly go wrong?

I chose a route along Holt Drive, through the greenbelt and onto the cycle path along Epinal Way. We went all the way round to the A6, where we crossed and went up the cycle path to Hathern, showing the ’new’ roundabout opposite the housing estate to Pat, who hadn’t previously seen it. Where it says ‘cyclists re-join the main carriageway’ in Hathern, we duly obliged, and continued the short distance along the A6 until the Long Whatton turn off.

I am delighted to say that there were no ‘incidents’ of any kind and the group proceeded happily to the Kegworth Bypass, where I was going to lead them down the steep hill to Oaklands. At this point Howard asked if I knew the alternative route, which I didn’t, so we continued about 100m further and went down a much less steep hill into Oaklands. Surprisingly, both groups arrived simultaneously, tables were rearranged and second breakfasts were consumed by many.

Dennis, Pat, Myles, Dom, Rob, Duncan, Philip (hidden), Derek and Roman.

On departure, my group headed for Sutton Bonington, where Pat and Roman left us and three of us continued to Loughborough. Howard showed us an alternative route through to Epinal Way, behind B&Q and we made a detour to the Unicycle warehouse – WOW – I am definitely going back there next time I need a bike part. My journey was 20.35 miles, with an elevation of 709ft. My first attempt at leading had been successful. Thank you to everyone for your support; I actually enjoyed it.

Unicycle Warehouse

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

A cool dull and what seemed like a November day greeted the gathered gaggle of expectant cyclists.

There was mizzle in the air several of the usual miscreants were absent and our esteemed leader, JC was otherwise engaged. The honour of organising the troops had been bestowed upon Phill’s capable shoulders.

A Longish ride to Hickling was mooted and I volunteered a medium ride to Beardsleys at Rearsby as Robert was unable to fulfil his offer due to more pressing engagements.

I set off with 5 willing participants amongst these was Margeret’s son who was tagging along to keep his mother’s behaviour in check!

We meandered our way through Barrow, Sileby, Ratcliffe and Thrussington thence to Rearsby.

The cafe was busy but they managed to squeeze us into a back room and orders were placed and refreshments enjoyed.

We set off home via E Goscote, Queniborough, Syston and then via the canal to Cossington I left the group here to wend their own way home. I had covered 25 miles hopefully all had enjoyed the ride.
