Wednesday 3rd May 2023

Short Ride

Report by Derek

About 30 riders turned up at Holt Drive as it was such a lovely Spring morning. After dividing into our groups Fiona, Rosalind, Duncan, Clyde, Dom, Robert, Rob, Myles & Derek set off for an old favorite at Jade's Tea room via Bradgate Park (we're looking for a ride of about 20 Miles).

Heading out on the usual route via Mucklin Wood to Woodhouse and Cropston. Here we found the road closed but we're told we could walk our bikes through the roadworks. We carried on a steady climb on Link road then turned right and down to Jade's tearoom.

Robert, Rosalind, Fiona, Myles, Rob, Duncan, Dom and Clyde in Bradgate Park

Being such nice weather we managed to get seated outside to enjoy our cake and coffee. After being suitably refreshed we headed back through Bradgate Park then back to Loughborough. We covered 21 miles in total.

Long Ride

Report by Graham

They said it couldn't be done; they said it was impossible; but finally I achieved it: I managed to take LWC to a refreshment stop that Mick hadn't visited before!

Less than 2 hours earlier, Mick, Lawrence, Rob Smith, David, Vic, Alan, Jim and Dave C had followed me through town northwards via Fox Hill, Normanton, Sutton Bonington, and Ratcliffe. Continuing north along Warren Lane, we were nearly taken out by an impatient oncoming white van man (I've sent headcam footage to the company), then we meandered through Shardlow, Aston on Trent and then a lovely quiet lane to Chellaston, where our destination, the Sweet Lounge lay. As I said, Mick had never been before, his excuse was that it had only been built recently, long after this area was his stomping ground, but I'm still claiming it.

Despite being right by national route 6, there were no cycle racks, so we locked our bikes to some bollards before entering the place, which was almost empty, apart from an elderly gentleman drinking beer.

Dave C, David, Mick, Alan,  Rob Smith, Jim, Vic and Lawrence at the Sweet Lounge, Chellaston

Without Phil to rearrange the furniture, we split over 3 tables. I can't report all the conversations, but I can confirm that the bacon and sausage cobs went down well, as did my delicious fruit pancakes. Even the tea, and it's pricing, got Alan's approval, praise indeed!

On leaving, just round the corner we picked up route 6, which after a pleasant canal side stretch joined the cloud trail, and we followed the 6 all the way home, with Vic peeling off at Shepshed.

We were back in Loughborough before 2pm, having ridden a shade under 40 miles, with not too much climbing.
