
Showing posts from February, 2023

Wednesday 1st March 2023

A largely overcast, gloomy cold day with some drizzle/rain produced a surprisingly good turnout. Short Ride Report by David About 20 riders gathered, despite the intermittent drizzle of today’s weather. A theme for today was about being knocked off one’s bike, and the report by TV presenter Dan Walker would hopefully bring it to the attention of the public. But it does not seem to have had much influence yet, judging from the behaviour of some of today’s drivers. David led Vic, Keith, Margaret and Betty on a ride to the Cherry Lane garden centre at Bradmore. There was an occasional cold wind against us on the outward leg, particularly on higher roads; although the sun shone briefly more than once. Daffodils were in flower in some places, but yet to emerge in others, on this St David’s Day. While other riders had been treated to Rocky Road cake, we had the rocky roads on this ride. For instance, there are some very bumpy roads in Rushcliffe Borough. At coffee, we spoke of c

Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Following overnight rain there was still some drizzle in the air as a surprisingly large number of cyclists gathered at Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by Keith In the slightly damp conditions 5 riders joined Keith for a round-trip to Bawdon Lodge. So Betty, Margaret, Philip, David, Paul and Keith set off via Cross Hill Lane towards the A6 and then to Quorn, where we met Eric who was glad we were on a shortish ride and not a fit, keen 40+ miler. A pretty standard route was taken past the Granite CafĂ© then to Cropston, turning right to go past the Bradgate park entrance, Beacon crossroads and to Bawdon Lodge. The excess wokery of today’s world had been discussed en route, but over drinks my end of the table was involved in a pleasant tour of New Zealand – good for a holiday, but too far from everything to live there was concluded! David, Margaret, Paul & Eric at Bawdon Lodge. Philip and Margaret took the direct road back to L’boro, whilst in the wan sunlight the rest of us

Wednesday 15th February 2023

A sunny fairly mild (for February) morning , with no rain forecast until the afternoon, saw a good turnout of riders with four groups departing from Holt Drive. Long Ride Report by Jeff♀ The weather was lovely at Holt Drive, with only a light breeze and a blue sky. Howard offered a ride to Trent Lock Tearooms with a warning of some "rough stuff", and was followed by me (Jeff♀), Mick and Dave. I was borrowing a GPS from Howard, with the route instructions loaded on it, while Howard still had his own GPS as well. We set out on a zig-zag route through town to leave Loughborough along Meadow lane, taking the bridge over our first railway line. Further along Meadow Lane, we went under the second rail track belonging to the Great Central Railway. From Stanford, we took Normanton Lane up Fox Hill, and back over the Great Central line, marking our third crossing. I put some good effort into Fox Hill, as I want to get faster at cycling. Not so that I can join a fast road club or

Wednesday 8th February 2023

Short Ride Report by John The short ride hadn't been through Bradgate Park since November, so this cold and frosty morning seemed a good opportunity to take advantage of the fact that most children are in school. John, Rob, Myles, Robert, Eric, Derek and Andrew headed south past Mucklin Wood and then through Woodhouse and Swithland, enjoying the sunshine while the frost cleared and the temperature crept up. An executive decision by Eric resulted in the riders enjoying their refreshments in the upstairs room of the Jade Cafe, which provided its normal swift service and excellent cakes. Rob, Myles, Robert, Eric, Derek and Andrew at the north end of Bradgate Park. The group returned through the park, successfully avoiding several dog leads extending over the full width of the track. A left turn saw them climbing to Roecliffe Manor before descending back to Loughbrough via Woodhouse and Quorn. Intermediate ride Report by David There was understandable unease about riding