Wednesday 22nd February 2023

Following overnight rain there was still some drizzle in the air as a surprisingly large number of cyclists gathered at Holt Drive.

Short Ride

Report by Keith

In the slightly damp conditions 5 riders joined Keith for a round-trip to Bawdon Lodge. So Betty, Margaret, Philip, David, Paul and Keith set off via Cross Hill Lane towards the A6 and then to Quorn, where we met Eric who was glad we were on a shortish ride and not a fit, keen 40+ miler.

A pretty standard route was taken past the Granite CafĂ© then to Cropston, turning right to go past the Bradgate park entrance, Beacon crossroads and to Bawdon Lodge. The excess wokery of today’s world had been discussed en route, but over drinks my end of the table was involved in a pleasant tour of New Zealand – good for a holiday, but too far from everything to live there was concluded!

David, Margaret, Paul & Eric at Bawdon Lodge.

Philip and Margaret took the direct road back to L’boro, whilst in the wan sunlight the rest of us headed around Shepshed on Tickow Lane, then back via the Garendon Trail.

About 22 miles and 1000 feet of climbing.

Medium/Long Ride

Report by Howard

Leaving Holt Drive for a ride to Swarkestone was a last minute decision to lead a ride, The groups were looking a little large and I didn't fancy riding in a large group of 10 or more so I volunteered. I was joined by David, Brian, Andy, Alan, Mick, and Jeff♀. Seven including myself.

We exited Loughborough via the university, passing the library we could see loads of crocuses in flower mainly yellows blues and purple. (can you say purples? It doesnt sound right).

We left uni and took the Ashby Road past J23 and turned right into Shepshed, following a well worn path through to Belton and on to Melbourne.

Leaving Melbourne the route became quite interesting taking in some back roads that eventually brought us out at Swarkestone Bridge. Over the bridge we turned left in front of the Crewe and Harpur pub and followed the road round to the Nursery. Mick came into his own here and arranged with staff fo us to park our bikes inside a non-public area of their greenhouse style sheds.

Jeff♀, Andy, Alan, Mick, Brian, David and Howard at Swarkestone Nursery.

Time for refreshments. Mick tried to figure out if he was the eldest there, (probably wasn't) and whether Jeff♀ was the youngest adult, (probably was). We also decided to return via Aston on Trent and Weston on Trent to Shardlow rather than the shorter Cloud Trail route. Our reasoning being we'd been facing a head wind to get so far and from here on we would have the wind behind us and could take better advantage going back this way.

Sure enough we reached Shardlow with little effort and in good time. We used the cycle track alongside the A50 and M1 to Kegworth, here David decided he would take a direct route back to L'boro alongside the A6, whilst the rest of us took the back route to Long Whatton and then to Hathern and home.

For most the distance was about 60Km with 500m of ascent and for those who prefer imperial measurements 37 miles and 1640 feet of ascent 

Long(ish) ride via Barton in Fabis

Report by Bryan

Lawrence, Simon, Robert and Bryan
34 miles, 1200 ft climbing, 12.4mph

With a chilly and damp start we ended with a hint of sun and a trailing wind. A much better ride than expected after consulting BBC weather app.

Lawrence, Robert, Bryan and  Simon

The inclusion of the map helps me to save the detailed explanation of the route and concentrate on the highlights and lowlights of the ride.

 Lowlights were:

  1. An inconsiderate motorist deliberately making a point by passing too closely. I’ll be checking the camera footage later to see if it’s worth a report on the police website
  2. Excessive amounts of potholes and poor road surfaces between Wymeswold and Bunny.
  3. Surprisingly strong headwind from Bunny to East Leake.


  1. Some very considerate drivers one of whom held up traffic to let us negotiate a junction.
  2. Enjoyable sections of country lanes and roads.
  3. Mainly flattish ride with enough short climbs to get the heart pumping on occasions.
  4. Great company as usual for Wednesday riders with wide interests.
  5. A good cafe stop which allows secure area for bikes and inside seating necessary on cold days.

Shortest Ride

Report by John

Once the other three rides had left Myles, Sinead (a new rider), Dom, John, Clyde, Rosalind, Derek & Rob remained.

A lolipop route to the village shop at Normanton of Soar was chosed and, after departing Loughborough via Meadow Lane, the riders headed over Fox Hill and past village hall/shop to carry on north to Sutton Bonington where they turned right up Hungary Lane.

Having climbed out of the Soar Valley they then descended down Trowell Lane into the valley of Kingston Brook which they followed using Brickyard Lane until they reached Travells Hill, which they ascended.

Sinead, Dom and Rosalind

Unfortunately Derek's chain chose to depart from his sprockets as he ascended so riders waited at the top while this was sorted out. This did enable them to study a pair of red kites that were circling in the vicinity.

After a couple of hundred yards on the main road the riders had a picturesque descent back into the Soar Vally down Butt Lane arriving back at the village shop/tea room.

Myles, Sinead, Dom, Clyde, Rosalind, Derek & Rob

After sampling the excellent and very good value refreshments (with tea served in a very large teapot) the riders returned to Loughborough whence they had come.
