Wednesday 1st March 2023

A largely overcast, gloomy cold day with some drizzle/rain produced a surprisingly good turnout.

Short Ride

Report by David

About 20 riders gathered, despite the intermittent drizzle of today’s weather. A theme for today was about being knocked off one’s bike, and the report by TV presenter Dan Walker would hopefully bring it to the attention of the public. But it does not seem to have had much influence yet, judging from the behaviour of some of today’s drivers.

David led Vic, Keith, Margaret and Betty on a ride to the Cherry Lane garden centre at Bradmore.

There was an occasional cold wind against us on the outward leg, particularly on higher roads; although the sun shone briefly more than once. Daffodils were in flower in some places, but yet to emerge in others, on this St David’s Day.

While other riders had been treated to Rocky Road cake, we had the rocky roads on this ride. For instance, there are some very bumpy roads in Rushcliffe Borough. At coffee, we spoke of councils using up their budgets on roadworks at this time of year. I wondered if they could smear a bit of black stuff into some holes in the roads we encountered, but I’m not a civil engineer, although I try to remain civil.

The outward course of today’s ride took us out to Park Road, then along Hazel Road to get to the Fairmeadows estate, then to join a footpath from Haddon Drive. The footpath winds down to a small wooden bridge over a brook then, just before Main Street Woodthorpe, to a muddy gateway. Having negotiated that, we turned onto Terry Yardley Way, where John Catt’s ride was about 100 yards ahead of us. We did not manage to catch up, as our ride turned left at the Farley Way traffic lights, while, his went straight ahead. We continued over the A6 bridge to Barrow upon Soar, then left at the Dinosaur roundabout through the centre of Barrow and out on Nottingham Road.

After taking a right turn up Barrow Road, David took a rest at the top if the hill, and everyone else was fresh enough to continue. So, the leader led from the back of the pack for a while. We arrived in Burton on the Wolds, turned right and then left past the cemetery onto Wymeswold Lane. Carrying on via The Stockwell, and up the Wysall Lane slope, we entered Thorpe in the Glebe, home of Pee Wee toilet hire, then continued to Wysall. As we reached the junction with Main Street, two large yellow earth moving vehicles swung round into the road we were leaving. One of them had what could pass as a battering ram on the front, so we’re glad it missed us. After riding through the otherwise quiet Wysall, we went left onto Bradmore Road. The downhill road through the trees was rather bone rattling even when taken at a moderate speed, and a test of whether all ones’ nuts and bolts are tight.

We arrived at the Cherry Lane garden centre and parked the bikes before making our way through the shop to the Wellington’s café. Cyclists are favoured with a discount here (10%) and good food and drink. It was warm here and portion sizes for scones and sausage rolls were large enough to share.

Keith, Betty, David, Margaret & Vic at Cherry Lane Garden Centre, Bradmore

Suitably replenished, these 5 riders resumed their ride back in the direction they had come from until Farnham Brook Lane. This lane has had many smearings of the black stuff over the years, yet still is very fissured and I did wonder why. Suddenly, we were overtaken by another very large yellow vehicle with a large trailer. Soon afterwards, to our alarm, this vehicle combination sprung into reverse gear as we were approaching the junction with the A60, causing us to scatter.

We crossed the A60 and proceeded along Gotham Lane, passing a breakdown truck retrieving a broken-down dustcart. After a zigzag under the railway line, we climbed Bunny Lane to the road junction with Leake Road. We assembled in East Leake at the junction with Main Street, and said goodbye to Betty. The rest of us went up Castle Hill, past Manor Farm Park and up to the A6006. We crossed and turned down Leake Lane and through Stanford on Soar and, on the corner with Meadow Lane, said goodbye to Vic.

Three of us continued to Loughborough, but our experiences of bad driving were by no means over (I’ll spare readers the details). The WhatsApp indicates we all got safely home.

The return ride to Holt Drive covered 26.7 miles with an elevation gain of 1270 feet. My average moving speed was 11.2 mph and home arrival 12:45.

 Ride Report from the Dumps

Report by Rob

Another excellent ride led by Bryan. A select group of five, Bryan, Robert, Rob, Mick and Andy, headed out along Epinal Way to Quorn and MountSorrel where we turned right up the hill past Stonehurst Farm and past Granites, then turning right past Swithland Reservoir and into Swithland. We took he left turn to Cropstone Reservoir and rode past the Hallgates and continued to the crossroads just below the top of Beacon Hill. A quick left and a right put us on Charley Road which we followed all the way down to Oaks in Charnwood and St Joseph’s café where we had to wait for them to open. We had an open fire in the room which made things even more welcoming.

We continued down into Whitwick and turned right, onto Gracedieu road, at the bottom of The Dumps where Mick’s back wheel decided to play up a bit. It needed realigning or he would have been slowed down somewhat unfairly! We followed this until the end of the road and turned right into Thringstone, took the left fork at The Green, and turned right onto Ashby Road at the George and Dragon, aiming to take the first left towards Osgathorpe. The road was closed and we were told there had been an accident and we were not allowed to use it. Plan B: carry on down the A512 through the roadworks and take the next left to Belton and then back to Loughborough through Shepshed, giving us 30 miles instead of the planned 35.

Long Ride Report

Report by Howard

Seven of us, (Myself, Paul, Dave, Jeff♀, Brian, Tricia, and Rob)  set off from Holts Drive this am with the intention of visiting the cafe at Nottingham City Airport, appropriately named "Chocks Away!" .  I led the group through town taking a variation on the usual routes, going by Shelthorpe Road, Albert Road, and past the Bell Foundry, to the A60. Leaving the A60 we took the Barrow Road up to Prestwold Hall turning Left here at the 'T' junction up to Hoton. Familiar roads then followed, down into Wymeswold, then Wysall and Keyworth. From here onwards it was mainly flat as we got nearer our destination.

At the Airport we watched a plane taking a convoluted route on the various runways before finally turning into the wind for take off. We then made ourselves comfortable in the cafe, massive decisions having to be made as to whether to have a sausage bap or Rocky Road. Some chose the sausage bap and some the Rocky Road. I had Millionaires Shortbread. 

Jeff♀, Dave, Brian, Tricia, Paul, Rob and Howard at Nottingham Airport.

Group photo taken we made our way outside to ride home. I was surprised to learn only one other in our group had been to the airport previously, (Rob Smith) Perhaps we need to visit more often. Note to self re-visit in the summer.

The route back to Keyworth was pretty much the same as the one there. It was however in Keyworth we turned off and headed over to Bradmore, followed by the back road to Bunny of Wysall Road, Fairham Brook Lane. West Leake, followed East Leake. Paul's chain jumped off, I think it was whilst descending the 'Big Pair of Marbles' (Strava segment name) in Sutton Bonnington.

I decided we would avoid Fox Hill have ridden back that way a few times recently, so we went through Zouch instead and back along the A6 cycle path back to town.

At the end I had covered 65Km (40 miles) and approx 400m, (1300ft) of ascent, and I imagine the rest of the group each did about the same.

Shortest Ride

Report by John

Once the other three rides had departed just Rob, Eric, Derek and John remained for the shortest ride. As it was rather cold and damp it was decided to head for a tea place that could guarantee a warm welcome and Dobbies at Rothley was chosen.

The riders headed out via Cross Lane and Shelthorpe to Quorn, from where they climbed up past the Quarry ;before taking a right to Swithland. From there the headed to Cropston Reservoir taking the road along the dam before heading for Rothely and Dobbies.

Eric leading Derek & Rob

After a lengthy refreshment the riders took the direct route back to Loughborough via the old A6.
