
Showing posts from January, 2023

Wednesday 1st February 2023

A bright but blustery morning saw a good turnout or riders with four groups departing from Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John A surprisingly large number of riders opted for the short ride with Clyde, Andrew, Myles, Pat, Rosalind, John N., Dom, Eric, Dave and John choosing this ride. It was decided to head out up wind through the University to Shepshed. However before even reaching the University site Andrew found he had a puncture. Pat, Clyde & Myles volunteered to stay with him while the remaining riders continued out to Tickow Lane and Charley Road to reach the tea room at Bawdon Lodge where Ray Clay was already ensconced. Rosalind & Eric on Charley Road It was some time before the pucture repair team joined them, having managed to puncture a new inner tube while refitting a very tight tyre. Clyde, Andrew, Myles & Pat. After refreshment the riders headed for the Beacon with some peeling off to head for Swithland while other continued back to Loughborough via

Wednesday 25th January 2023

The temperature having only just got above freezing in the morning for the first time in over a week, the gaggle of cyclists at Holt Drive was not as large as that seen on some occaisions. Never the less three rides set out Short Ride Report by John The last attempt at taking refreshments at Millies Farm Shop had to be aborted as they were still closed for the Xmas break, so John, Phil, Rosalind and Margaret decided that another attempt was warranted. As they departed they were joined by Paul who had been delayed on route. The group went through town, departing via Meadow Lane before turning east and joining the main road up to Hoton where they joined Wymeswold Road that eventually morphed into Narrow Lane, taking them to Six Hill. By now it was foggy. Paul (Rosalind hidden) leading Philip and Margaret along a drizzly  Paudy Lane. Turning west onto Paudy Lane, the riders found themselves riding through drizzle as they passed the intermediate group, regathering at the top of Be

Wednesday 18th January 2023

Short Ride Medium  Walk Report by Andrew On Tuesday night our illustrious leader Mr. Catt decided that the roads / ice rinks would be unfit for Wednesday rides. Within nano seconds of the puffs of smoke appearing on the website to confirm this, Eric offered up a walk - presumably to keep him and us from the double delights of shopping and housework. So, at 10.00am on Wednesday about twenty walkers and one dog met in the Moat Road car park and headed off to The Outwoods, rambling along 'pignut spinney'. Would there be a refreshments stop, I nervously and anxiously pondered??  The good news was of course there would be!!  Was there ever any serious doubt??!! 😀😀 We descended on Olivia's in The Outwoods Car Park for teas, various coffees, croissants, cakes and scones which went down a treat aligned with the usual excellent and varied eloquence. I was interested in the signs they had in the car park advising the park rangers are going to be cutting back non nativ

Wednesday 11th January 2023

Shortish Ride Report by Eric The sun was trying to shine as we met at Holt drive and temperatures were struggling up to 7 degrees. What was remarkable was how many very fit and able riders decided to join the distinctly unfit and unable riders, on Howard's shortish flatish ride to Syston. What was unsure was whether it was the possibility of the early onset rain in the forecast that led to this prudence or indeed the early onset of dementia that led some to forget how far they were capable of riding? Alternatively it could just be January blues and recovery from over indulgence during the festive season that meant this was seen more as a recovery ride than a full blown fitness exercise! We will not name who falls, into which category, in order to protect the guilty. So onto Outwoods drive Beacon Road and Crosshill lane,  went Howard followed by : Vic, Rob, Keith, John, Clyde, Mick, Jeff, Eric, Andy and Dave. Howard led us across Park road and gave us a guided tour of Loughboroug

Wednesday 4th January 2023

The first ride of 2023 saw a good turnout on a mild but blustery morning with four groups setting out from Holt Drive. Short Ride 1 Report by John After the other rides had departed just John C., Rob, John N., Paul and Anne remained. It was decided to head up wind to Shepshed heading for the Monaster Tea Rooms that open at 11am. The 10am start meaning that there was little danger of arriving too early. The riders headed out through the University and wended their way to Tickow Lane and then onto Charley Road. After John had attempted to take some photos (that turned out to be very poor) the riders headed south through Oaks in Charnwood to the Tea Rooms (arriving a minute or two before they opened) where a large table was occupied. Descending to Oaks in Charnwood. After a relaxed refreshment break the riders returned to Loughborough via the Beacon, Woodhouse and Quorn. Short Ride 2 Report by Terry So many turned up at Holt Drive that after all the longer rides had left 12 or