Wednesday 25th January 2023

The temperature having only just got above freezing in the morning for the first time in over a week, the gaggle of cyclists at Holt Drive was not as large as that seen on some occaisions. Never the less three rides set out

Short Ride

Report by John

The last attempt at taking refreshments at Millies Farm Shop had to be aborted as they were still closed for the Xmas break, so John, Phil, Rosalind and Margaret decided that another attempt was warranted. As they departed they were joined by Paul who had been delayed on route.

The group went through town, departing via Meadow Lane before turning east and joining the main road up to Hoton where they joined Wymeswold Road that eventually morphed into Narrow Lane, taking them to Six Hill. By now it was foggy.

Paul (Rosalind hidden) leading Philip and Margaret along a drizzly  Paudy Lane.

Turning west onto Paudy Lane, the riders found themselves riding through drizzle as they passed the intermediate group, regathering at the top of Berrycott Lane.

Eventually the High Meadow Farm loomed up and the riders took shelter in the tea shop for refreshments.

Having warmed up and dried out, the rides had a short ride back to Loughborough via Barrow on Soar.

Longer Ride

Report by Terry

Brian, Robert, Trish, Mick, Laurence and Terry were the first to leave Holt Drive and headed for the Stables café at Staunton Harold.

We set off across the Greenbelt and onto Epinal Way past the university, as it was still early (ish) and exercising caution against any residual ice we avoided the path along the Blackbrook and the very low bridge under the A6 and went down Knighthorpe Road to the Derby Road. After a very easy crossing at the roundabout (no one needed to stop even) we headed to Hathern. Consulting with Robert whether to continue on the pavement past his house or go through the village he suggested a route I was not aware of which came out near the dog kennels. This route was quite muddy but no one suffered, I am sure it would be great in the summer as it avoided much of the A6 in Hathern.

Onward through Long Whatton and Diseworth to the traffic island near Tonge. I warned the group some of whom had not come this way often, or before, that the hill away from the island was quite quick and we were turning left at the bottom which usually had loose gravel, it wasn’t too bad today and if you avoided the gutter and the middle of the road there was plenty of grip.

Belton was the next village along and a right turn to Scotland! Scotland being a very small hamlet on the way to Calke and the Ferrers Centre.

Refreshments and a rest were gratefully received, someone, mentioning no names Brian, had a rather lovely Sausage, Bacon and Tomato Cob the rest of us satisfied ourselves with cakes and coffee.

Laurence, Trish, Robert, Mike & Brian at Staunton Stables.

Leaving the Ferrers Centre is always a challenge because whichever way you go there is a steep hill before your legs have warmed up. Although everyone got up the hill, except me, without getting off!

A left onto the old A453 and quickly right to Worthington and Osgathorpe, at the top of the killer hill out of Worthington Robert left us to carry on to Hathern. Through Osgathorpe to Belton where a kindly police car waved us right onto the turnpike. A right turn took us onto route 6 past Harboro Pit Farm and further onto Shepshed and Garendon Park. Garendon park had to be negotiated carefully as there was much mud and some residual ice around.

Coming out of Garendon Park and along Epinal Way the riders started to go their separate ways.

I recorded a total 32 miles.

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

JC had declared the rides on the previous evening and as predicted the temperature had risen to a heady 4 degrees.

The previous weeks proceeding had been cancelled or at least replaced by a ramble around the Outwoods due to the icy conditions. Up until JCs decision there had been some murmuring on the bush telegraph of maybe another walk if conditions didn’t improve.

On arrival at the Holt Drive Clubhouse there seemed a smaller number of fluorescent jacket clad members awaiting the days rides.

JC appeared and asked if anyone was willing to lead a ride so I offered a 25ish miler to the new Race Hub headquarters at Frisby lakes.

There was another to Staunton Harold and JC hoovered up the remaking volunteers with a shortish ride to Millie’s.

We set off through town but had only reached the new courthouse when Keith had a flat tyre and decided to abandon.

I led the merry band out of town via Meadow lane then onto Cotes up through Walton and Seagrave where we turned up Berrycot Lane where at the junction with Paudy lane our path was crossed by JCs group heading down to Millie’s. We carried on to our destination via Ragdale and Hoby eventually arriving at the destination as it opened.

Now here is the thing, as we wheeled our bikes up over the small rise to the entrance we were greeted by a strange sight of a man in a rowing boat sitting surrounded by Pack Ice which he was attempting to break with an oar?

We quickly parked our bikes and ascended the stairs into the new cafe which had an all round view of the lakes and a log burner in the corner. The cake selection was quickly scanned and people placed their orders and we sat at the closest table to the fire as possible as the room was decidedly chilly. After a good break and chat we reluctantly decided we would need to make our way back.

On returning to our bikes we were met by the sight of the rowing boat having cleared a lane of ice returning to dry land. There were several ladies wandering about in large coats, wet suits or some even in a short skin suit.

These mad people were preparing to enter the lane of slush and swim up and down in it.

We thought it was cold dressed as we were so had nothing but respect for them.

The weather had now turned and there was a steady fall of rain so as we cycled back it was into our faces with the cool breeze making it even colder.

I left the group at Cossington and they made their own way back home.

My apologies to the group as somehow 25 miles had become 31. I blame inflation!!

Anyway the Race Hub proved to be an excellent stop but the opening times need to be checked to ensure they are open.

I hope all enjoyed the ride and aren’t thinking of defecting either to Loughborough Wednesday Walkers or the Frisby Mad swimmers 🏊‍♀️!!
