Wednesday 4th January 2023

The first ride of 2023 saw a good turnout on a mild but blustery morning with four groups setting out from Holt Drive.

Short Ride 1

Report by John

After the other rides had departed just John C., Rob, John N., Paul and Anne remained. It was decided to head up wind to Shepshed heading for the Monaster Tea Rooms that open at 11am. The 10am start meaning that there was little danger of arriving too early.

The riders headed out through the University and wended their way to Tickow Lane and then onto Charley Road. After John had attempted to take some photos (that turned out to be very poor) the riders headed south through Oaks in Charnwood to the Tea Rooms (arriving a minute or two before they opened) where a large table was occupied.

Descending to Oaks in Charnwood.

After a relaxed refreshment break the riders returned to Loughborough via the Beacon, Woodhouse and Quorn.

Short Ride 2

Report by Terry

So many turned up at Holt Drive that after all the longer rides had left 12 or so still remained for the short ride a little too many really so I, Terry, volunteered a 20 mile ride to Millies 8 followed me and left 3 with John so Anne, temporarily, divorced me and went with John as did one other, that left a good number of 6, Andrew, Myles, Dom, Robert and Clyde off to Millies.

We left Holt Drive and over Cross Hill Lane to Hazel Road over Laurel Drive to Aldi Island, I hate crossing that island from the shops and nearly always go the slightly longer way avoiding the worst of it!

On through Quorn along the old A6 to Mountsorrel and left at Rothley crossroads toward Cossington. From Cossington and on to Sileby turning right into King Street toward Seagrave. As we joined Seagrave Road panic set in. I could not visualise the route to Pawdy Crossroads. We pulled over to refer to the map and Andrew took this opportunity to share out some chocolate goodies. Having confirmed the route, which everyone else seemed to know except me! We set up the hill Clyde seemed desperate to know the hill gradient, where on earth are we going to find that, then Robert came to the rescue, apparently his gadget told him this sort of thing. The steepest part was 8% approximately 1 in 12 with Clyde satisfied we carried on to Pawdy Crossroads and Robert confirming the gradient of the hill up to the crossroads. By this time, we could hear Millies calling and it was a steady downhill to the café, but why is it that I can never freewheel down Pawdy lane the wind is always against me!!

Then DISASTER Millies was closed until January 10th! A quick discussion where the nearest café was, Barrow has several but nowhere for half a dozen bikes, it was decided to head for Mountsorrel where it is known there are several cafes. A route was decided upon and this took us along Sileby Road (Barrow) to Slash Lane, for once not flooded, to Sileby Road (Mountsorrel). We turned right towards Stonehurst Farm and the alternative coffee stop. A major topic of conversation was the merits of North Norfolk as a holiday destination.

Dom, Clyde, Robert, Myles, Terry & Andrew at Stonehurst Farm.

Because the first “half” of the ride had been longer than planned it was decided to go straight back to Loughborough along the old A6. At the Aldi roundabout Robert and Myles went straight on and unusually I had company until I peeled off at Copse Grove.

A total distance of 21 miles.

Medium Ride

Report by Howard. Ride to James' Cafe at Lane's Garden Centre.

Seven of us set off from Holt Drive, perhaps leaving a little early as it was 9:57  The wind was a fairly brisk cross wind in the main giving some assistance on the way out. On the return the wind had veered slightly and was again in the main also helping us, except near the Airport more of which I'll return to later.

 The group comprised, Myself, Marcus, Jeff♀, Rob, Alan, Bryan, and Keith. Stephen joined us en route having arrived after we left. Fortunately however, he knew the route I was taking as I'd posted it to the Whatsapp group the night before.

The intended destination being North we headed out via Fox Hill, the Agric College and picked up Long Lane just off the A453 (now Remembrance Way) crossing the River Trent at Sawley. The river was high and the currrents looked dangerous as we passed over the bridge.  As we turned right by the Railway Pub Stephen announced that he had a front wheel puncture. The tables at the back of the pub made a good repair shop and we left him to fix his bike figuring that we'd only get in the way if we hung around and watched. En route to this point we had passed some predatory birds, possibly sparrow hawks or kestrel, certainly of the hawk variety, rising on thermals. 

The balance of the route there took us past some low lying fields, the high water table and recent rains made for some big ponds between Sawley and Breaston. Reaching the cafe we decided to sit outside as it was fairly full inside and the outside seating was nicely sheltered. Stephen caught us up for the second time. Refreshments were ordered and consumed, and for some reason were followed by some very bad jokes from last century, (the nineteen sixtys I seem to remember), that we'd all heard before (except for Jeff♀, apparently they were still terrible jokes). For a flavour of those delivered, we have "How do you get 4 elephants in a Mini, (2 in the front and 2 in the back), how do you get 4 Zebras in a Mini? you can't its full of elephants, (Alt. take the elephants out first). How do you get 2 Whales (Wales) in a Mini, Turn left at Chester, (alt down the M4 and over the Severn Bridge) and so it went on, and they were the better ones. It was at this point I thought it better that we head for home. 

Marcus, Stephen, Rob, Bryan, Jeff♀ and Alan

About the picture, Keith isn't in it because he nipped of somewhere, I'm not in it because I was taking the picture, as if that's an excuse, and Jeff♀ looks tiny because she's bending at the knees, (where else) so every one can see Bryan behind her.

The journey back would takes us along the old route of the Nott'm Derby canal to Draycott. Subsequently passing both the Canal Cottage, and Pumkinz, the 2 cafe stops I was holding in reserve in case James' was closed. Following the "just below the top of the banks" River Derwent we rode back to Sawley and back over the River Trent. From here it was to Lockington, then round the back and up past the Airport logistics distribution places. Just before Amazon, the building not the river, Rob was caught out by strong cross winds that blew him on to the soft grass alongside the tarmac and caused him to involuntarily dismount. After getting back up of the ground he checked himself over and whilst nothing appeared to be broken, it was thought better and Rob agreed that he cut the balance of the ride short by taking the Bypass to the A6 and home to Loughborough. with him went Keith and Alan, (though Alan shot off along the Bypass faster than we'd been all day. (Except perhaps Stephen when he was in catch up mode). Maybe Alan had an appointment,
Those of us left, Myself Marcus and Jeff, (Stephen had split to get back to Wymeswold at Long Lane, and Bryan had left us earlier, I think it was Draycott) took the back road to Long Whatton and then to Hathern where we joined the A6 and returned past the allotments and a fast running Black Brook to Loughborough.

All in all we'd probably covered about 35 miles (56km) and very little ascent having mainly kept to river valleys.

Medium Ride 2

Report by Vic

The first Wednesday of the year dawned bright but breezy.

The festive celebrations had obviously caused a certain amount of guilt amongst the LWC brethren as there was a large number gathered ready to ride off some of the excesses.

John arrived and decided more leaders would be needed so asked for volunteers. I offered a 30 mile ride to Valeview near Old Dalby.

About 9 of us set off via Quorn, Barrow, Sileby, Seagrave, Ragdale, Hoby, Asfordby, Grimston and finally Old Dalby.

The outward journey was about 17 miles so when we set off home we returned via a shorter route through Willoughby, Wymeswold where some split to return via Hoton whilst the others via Burton.

A good start to the years rides, hopefully all enjoyed it.
