
Showing posts from December, 2022

Wednesday 28th December 2022

Shortest Ride   (Report by Jeff♀) Today was a wet one, so the ride was officially called off. However, Keith boldly suggested we go "meet at the beacon cafe", which is by Holt Drive. Although he makes it sound like a trivial affair, I believe it took me almost a whole 10 minutes to cycle there. I decided to take my old (later dated to at least pre-1995 when many UK dialling codes were changed to add a "1" after the leading "0") mountain bike. Perhaps the only bike that could survive the wet roads, and being left outside a cafe unwatched in the middle of town for a couple of hours. The rain was absolutely (gently) dripping it down, and my planned route across the uni was closed! I had to take a wild detour down the bike lane on Epinal way. Never had I planned for such unforseen circumstances, but because of my extensive experiences training with the group over the last year, I managed to find my way. Finally, I passed Holt Drive, the usual meet

Wednesday 21st December 2022

The rather overcast sky threatening rain and possibly some confusion over the start time of 10am (which will carry on until the end of February) together with the proximity of the Yuletide celebrations kept the turnout down this week. However three groups did sort themselves out and ventured out. Short Ride Report by John After a short discussion John C., Rosalind, Myles, John N., Keith and Paul decided to head for the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall. As they were starting later than usual the riders headed straight down the old A6, noting as they departed Qourn that the river level was very high. Rothley Brook was also very high so the riders had some concern that Watermead Park might be flooded and it was decided to investigate whether refreshments might be available at the Birstall A6 Service Station. However the KFC was closed and the only drinks available were from a machine at £3 a cup, so the riders carried on into Birstall. On arriving at the Church Hall they discove

Andrew's 2022 alphabetical almanac

A+++++++..  top top top marks to Howard, John C and all the leaders - they do a fabulous job.   Thank you all!!    Boost…  from time to time the riders in my group are offered and most usually accept a chocolate before we start out Sorry folks, I remove all the maltesers first as these are my favourites!! Coffee shop..   I love this bit especially the niche / quirky one …so many venues this year including    Abbey Park * Birstall Social Club *  Snibston Discovery Park *  East Leake - on the main road near the car park, name unknown  Long Wharton - the farm * Normanton - volunteer run establishment * Bawden Lodge - one of my favourites  Millie's St Joseph's* The White Horse - Birstall * East Goscote Nurseries  Plus many many more  Indicates a new venue to me in 2022 *  Distance..    I usually cover approximately 40 km (I always tell anybody who listens the distance in kilometres not miles .. as it sounds more and makes me feel very self righteous!!!).    Eloquence..  This is usu