Andrew's 2022 alphabetical almanac

A+++++++.. top top top marks to Howard, John C and all the leaders - they do a fabulous job.   Thank you all!! 

 Boost… from time to time the riders in my group are offered and most usually accept a chocolate before we start out Sorry folks, I remove all the maltesers first as these are my favourites!!

Coffee shop..  I love this bit especially the niche / quirky one …so many venues this year including 


Abbey Park *

Birstall Social Club * 

Snibston Discovery Park * 

East Leake - on the main road near the car park, name unknown 

Long Wharton - the farm *

Normanton - volunteer run establishment *

Bawden Lodge - one of my favourites 


St Joseph's*

The White Horse - Birstall *

East Goscote Nurseries 

Plus many many more 

Indicates a new venue to me in 2022 * 

Distance..   I usually cover approximately 40 km (I always tell anybody who listens the distance in kilometres not miles .. as it sounds more and makes me feel very self righteous!!!). 


Eloquence.. This is usually epic!! interesting and sometimes bizarre and eccentric conversation generally putting the world to rights and the "state of the nation / the good old days".

Freezing.. apparently freezing cold ice baths are recommended, after rides, to break down the build up of lactic acids in the muscles.   I decline this in favour of "feet up and telly on"!!!


Gents Toilets..    I have a strange habit of vetting the gents Toilets at the various coffee stops, Millie's is my favourite, well kitted out, with nice showers!!!

Holt Drive..   the centre of the cycling world every Wednesday morning, ok there are faster groups out there, but there can't be any who have such splendid trips out!!

Inertia.. its so hard to get going again after the coffee stop, I must be getting old or unfit or more likely both.

Jacket..  yes I wear a hi Viz jacket and because of this, Mr Catt usually appoints me as official back makers when I'm on his rides, I'm usually towards the back so fine by me!!

Kings of the Road.. there is no doubt that the riders deserve this title, just look at the photos to witness fine physiques toned by miles of riding and fuelled by always strictly observing excellent dietary standards!! 


Leaders.. many thanks to all of the leaders for all of their expertise this year,  how they know all the routes, rat runs and coffee shops halfway round the routes is beyond me.

Mechanical skills.. The mechanical skills of some of the riders is supreme, their skills would be most welcome by many Formula 1 pit crew.  

Numbers..  There are usually between 6 and 10 on most rides I go on - I won't even estimate the average age but it's over 21!!


Overhaul.. after my poor showings, I'm definitely going to get the bike booked in for a service and overhaul before 2023 kicks off, it's clearly the bike that's letting me down … it couldn't possibly be me, could it?

Punctures.. thank the God's of cycling, I've only had one puncture this year.  Thanks so much to those who have helped me with the repairs.

"Quintessentially" English..  this is one of my favourite word of all time!!! Some of the villages and towns and countryside are something special when viewed on a bike - like nowhere else … glorious!!!

Road Surfaces.. mostly in reasonable condition, with few frosts popping out those annoying pot holes.  Luckily we rarely go into The Leicester City Council area!!!

Scones ..  Some of the fruit scones on offer at coffee stops look amazing, too big to eat!!  Respect to those who managed to consume one of these sweet or savoury beauties!!

Testimonials..  always great to read the ride reports on the website - it goes very quiet when volunteers are requested to write these up!!!!

Utilities.. fortunately not too many  utilities, such as BT and Severn Trent digging up the roads with their annoying temporary four way traffic lights to hold us up.

Varsity..  From time to time I witness Uni student cycling in other groups - a blur as they wizz past me and disappear over the horizon within seconds..

Work..  extremely enjoyable rides, every week, certainly much better than going to work!!

X rated..   I may very well have used some naugty x rated words while trying to keep up with my fellow riders, if so my apologies!!

Young 'uns… there weren't many young ones on our rides this year (with one honourable exception) the others probably didn't think they would have the required speed and stamina to keep up with us!!

Zouch.. OK I admit it, I can't remember passing anywhere near Zouch this year, but it's included here as I couldn't think of anything else starting with a "Z"!!!
