Wednesday 21st December 2022

The rather overcast sky threatening rain and possibly some confusion over the start time of 10am (which will carry on until the end of February) together with the proximity of the Yuletide celebrations kept the turnout down this week. However three groups did sort themselves out and ventured out.

Short Ride

Report by John

After a short discussion John C., Rosalind, Myles, John N., Keith and Paul decided to head for the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall. As they were starting later than usual the riders headed straight down the old A6, noting as they departed Qourn that the river level was very high.

Rothley Brook was also very high so the riders had some concern that Watermead Park might be flooded and it was decided to investigate whether refreshments might be available at the Birstall A6 Service Station. However the KFC was closed and the only drinks available were from a machine at £3 a cup, so the riders carried on into Birstall.

On arriving at the Church Hall they discovered that it is now designated as a warm space and the tea/coffee and cake were now free. Despite the well known propensity of cyclists towards parsimony, suitable donations were made to the Church Hall.

Having feasted on the free sponge cake and scones in the warm, ;the riders showed some reluctance to return to their bicycles our in the cold. However eventually they remounted and ventured into Watermead Park.

Keith, Myles, Paul, Rosalind & John next to a rather full canal

The river was certainly high and the track almost flooded in places, but the usual route through the park and alongside the canal was easily passable. The riders returned via Cossington, Sileby an d Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough around 1pm.

The longer than some expected Ride

Report by Brian

With two rides on offer, I suggested a ride to Burrough Court to sample their magnificent sausage rolls. Tricia persuaded Marcus that it was only 30/32 miles, Pat said she would join us as far as Sileby, so the 4 of us set off down the old A6. Bidding adieu to Pat, we continued on the usual route through Cossington, Rearsby, Gaddesby and on to Burrough on the hill .
Lady luck was with us as 2 of us wanted sausage rolls and there were only 2 left until the new year.

After a pleasant break, we went down Melton Lane to Great Dalby. In the past week the steep part of this lane has had a gravel layer added to it so care was needed when descending. Heading towards Gaddesby we turned right onto lovely Klondyke Lane to Kirby Bellars, Asfordby, Hoby and Thrussington. For a change we turned right up to the manic A46, through Seagrave and Sileby then home. I clocked 44 miles. Sorry Marcus! 

