Wednesday 14th August 2024

Short Ride Report

(with a musical theme with a little help from
the “Les Miserables” musical!!)

Report by Andrew

“I dreamed a dream”

The forecast was a bit iffy, and there had been overnight rain and there was drizzle in the air. I asked myself would the rides be on? Would there be anyone at the home of spiritual cycling? How would I fill my day if there we were not riding?

Of course they were on and there were approx 25-30 attending the three ride options.

What more can you ask for than my dream of fresh air, exercise, excellent coffee shop stops and good (sometimes eccentric) conversation!!

“On my Own”

I wanted a short ride, would I be riding solo? Of course not, I was joined by John, Marcus, Betty, Margaret, Dennis and our leader Derek.

The ride headed out through Shelly and Quorn and then up to Woodhouse Eaves, where I removed water proof trousers (after carefully ensuring there were shorts on underneath!!)

Then it was on towards Swithland and past Stuart Broad’s boozer. (Having recently retired from bowling, he's had a stand at Trent Bridge named after him… wondering whether we could do anything similar for our cycling legends?!).

Margaret leading Dennis over Railway Bridge at Quorn Station,

We then headed towards Rothley and up The Ridings, viewing the incredible properties on our way. It was then through Bradgate Park which was quiet and onto Jade's for our refreshments stop.

“Empty chairs at empty tables”

There was plenty of room to sit outside at Jade's and as the weather was improving, but not too hot, this was our favoured option. It was fabulous here with views towards Bradgate Park and the road outside being relatively quiet.

Arriving at Jade's in NL I noted Derek deep in conversation with a couple (not from our group), on every ride this happens, he knows a lot of people!!

“Drink with me”

The offerings and service at Jade's were as usual nothing short of magnificent. The tea was strong (two bags in a pot) but extra water was supplied.

The carrot cake and rocky road requested by our groups were beyond belief (see photos) and credit to their consumers who managed to take on board the mighty portions without hesitation and without leaving a crumb!! Nothing more or less expected from these elite, finally honed athletes.

The conversation was as usual eclectic, excellent and covered many interspersed and varied subjects until Derek called “time”.

Dennis, Margaret, Betty, Marcus, John, Andrew and Derek at the Jade Tea Rooms.

“Bring Him home”

Back on our bikes and through Bradgate Park again, busier this time, and along The Ridings to have another butchers at the majestic properties. We headed through Swithland and Woodhouse, we said farewell to Derek who went home via Mucklin Wood, and then we picked up the old A6 and headed back to LB.

“At the end of the day”

I made the milage approx 27 miles from LB to LB and was back home just after 1245. All in all a great morning, thank you to all involved.
