Wednesday 29th May 2024

Intermediate ride to Borrowash

Report by David

The weather was overcast, but warm. The ride to Borrowash attracted a large following, and later a leading as riders champed at the bit to get home. It was led by David, accompanied by Keith, Bryan, Brian, Betty, Paul, Rob Stephens, Rob Smith, Dave Jobling, and Tricia.

A typical route was chosen to get to Meadow Lane via the canal towpath. We crossed the meadow to Stanford on Soar with no issue from flooding. Coming up Fox Hill, it became apparent that we had several riders who could race up hill. We stopped briefly outside Normanton village hall, then continued to Sutton Bonington. Marle Pit Hill was no sweat and so we carried on through Kingston on Soar. After passing under the railway bridge, we went right to Ratcliffe on Soar.

The turning onto Main Street is almost immediately followed by a track that follows the river Soar, then goes under the A453. There is a zigzag path leading up to the A453, allowing us to cross both strands of the river Soar and turn down Ratcliffe Lane, which is little more than a footpath until it is joined by Long Lane. Then the road surface is as good as any we have ridden on. At the end of this lane, we turned sharp right onto Warren Lane, which winds its way past lakes to the Tamworth Road. We followed this road into Sawley, then found a little Jitty to get through to Wilne Road.

After taking the bridge over the M1, we discovered ominous traffic lights at our next turning. A road worker was supervising the traffic, but he was okay with us going through Church Wilne. We did not expect to see many cars on this track, but a Severn Trent van was allowed through. There was no sign of flooding here as we skirted the river Derwent. Soon we were smelling the coffee, and made a bid for Pumpkinz.

One challenge might have been to keep 10 riders together on the route; this was never a problem and the group kept pretty much together. Another challenge might have been getting somewhere to sit at Pumpkinz. By this time, it had not rained. Two tables were pulled together and the quietness of the quadrangle enabled discussion across the whole group. Two ladies appeared and were wondering where they would sit – gentlemanly laps were offered, but they managed to find other chairs.

After emerging from Pumpkinz, we continued west to Borrowash along Derby Road. Near the end of this road is a sharp bend and then we met Nottingham Road. We continued west until just before a set of traffic lights, then went left onto Station Road. This road crosses a railway line and then various strands of the river Derwent, then passes Elvaston Castle Country Park. Soon after this is a concealed left turn to Ambaston. It is a quiet road and we could hear birdsong, although the road was a bit pitted.

Ambaston Lane turns through a right angle then heads to Shardlow. Here we joined the London Road and crossed the Cavendish Bridge. A little further down we stopped for photos, then negotiated the Sawley Junction via underpass to track the A50. We took an underpass allowing us, via a contorted route to cross the M1. We rode a hairpin trajectory to get alongside the feeder road for the A453. There were 2 such tracks either side of a wooden fence. Both led to the bridge under the A453, allowing us to get to the A6. There was a short-lived shower as we joined the A6. We followed the A6 through Kegworth and Hathern, then went our separate ways once we got to Loughborough.

The ride from Holt Drive and return was 34.4 miles, and those that returned here did so at 1:30 pm. Our total uphill was 1096 feet, and average moving speed 11.0 mph.

Robert, David, Tricia, Brian, Paul, Rob, Betty, Keith and Bryan.

Longish Ride

Report by Vic

I led a longish ride to Sunnyside Nursery in Ibstock.

Mick, Ged, Jim and myself set off via the Old Coach road to Shepshed then onto Belton and Osgathorpe. Here I had to consult the map as I wanted to use a road I hadn’t been on before.

We eventually worked out the route to Thringstone as we hit Whitwick we again had to look at the map to find another new road.

Eventually we arrived at our destination wheeling our bikes through the nursery.

Our route back took us to Ellistown and Batram and onto Thornton.

Here Mick discovered his chain was damaged and one link was broken. This was ok on the flat but not so good on any hills. Fortunately we were able to do the long descent from Markfield to Newtown Linford. Here Ged kindly stayed with Mick to check he managed the hill out so that he could coast the rest to Loughborough.

Credit to Mick who had managed to keep up even with a damaged bike.

We had tried to avoid too much climbing but still managed 2000ft.

I’d covered 41 miles so I guess from clubhouse to clubhouse would have been about 35 miles.
