Wednesday 26th June 2024

Short Ride

Written by Andrew

with a little help from legendary song writers Benny and Björn from Abba, cheesy pop music, which he confesses is right up his street!!!

Super Trouper

Wednesday morning was pretty hot but with a nice cooling breeze. Eric was a Super Trouper and kindly offered a short ride of 21 miles to Costock Garden Center. As usual, I didn't take much persuasion to accept the shortest ride on offer!!

Eric and I were joined by some legendary cyclists namely, Clyde, Dennis, Keith, Mick and Rob P.


The circuitous route to Costock was via Cotes, Burton on The Wolds and Wymeswold. I noted a few pot holes, but fortunately we all made it round safely and no one met their Waterloo on the above mentioned pot holes.

Pat, Eric, Dennis, Keith, Roman, Andrew, Clyde, Mike and Rob at Costock Garden Centre.

I Have A Dream

I got to the coffee shop a bit hot and tired and dreaming of refreshments, shade and the usual excellent banter.

It was here that we were lucky to be joined by Pat and Roman who had cycled up from Wymeswold.

We were also joined by the local robins who enjoyed our offerings!! (See photo).

The refreshments were good and the banter, including the below even better.

  • Songs with colours in the lyrics,
  • Trips to Sicily,
  • Getting beer and chips for next to nothing “back in the day”,
  • Songs with folks names in the lyrics,
  • The forthcoming mega ride next week of approximately 60-65 miles.


In fact the banter was so good that no one wanted to leave, so much so that not realising how much time had passed, I had to answer an SOS and nip off earlier than the rest of the group and take the direct route back to LB for a much needed golf lesson appointment!!!
