Wednesday 12th June 2024

Long Ride

Report by Alan

After some time away (due mainly to the poor weather) I re-emerged to offer a 39 mile ride to “Chocs Away”, the cafe at Nottingham Airport near Tollerton. Only two very exciting bits happened on the outward journey. The first was getting caught up with Vic’s group as we headed through town. The result of which was we nearly lost Brian and Mick who decided to follow the multitude of yellow tops regardless of which group they belong to. Thankfully these deadly rivals split to go separate ways at Stanford on Soar.

From Stanford we proceeded on to East Leake, Bunny, Clipston, and Cotgrave. At the latter point we did a sharp left and spent the next 3 miles following the (disused) Grantham Canal through Cotgrave Country Park. It was here that the second exciting event happened; a large swan blocking the path. We all closed our eyes, counted to ten and sailed past. By now the natives were getting restless. We had hit the 20 mile mark and they needed their caffeine fix. To placate them, and keep their spirits up I decided to follow the lead of all politicians on TV these last couple of weeks, and started lying to give false hope. “Only one more mile to go etc. etc.”

We entered the airport to the sound of helicopters buzzing around and sat outside as the weather had warmed up with no wind. Lawrence, Brian, Rob, Mick, Jed, Margaret and Jones dipped into various things to eat and drink. I know it’s going to spoil this ride report by not mentioning, or taking pictures of various cakes but I’m willing to take the flak.

Jed, Margaret, Lawrence (hidden), Rob, Joan, Brian and Mick at Nottingham Airport

The journey home took us through those old favourites, Widmerpool, Wysall and Wymeswold before heading home via Hoton and Cotes. A couple of times we nearly lost Margaret, distracted by the mesmerising antidotes from Mick. Did anyone else realise that at Bunny there exists a wall that is longer than the Great Wall of China? No(?) nor me ! That man is a walking encyclopaedia, and he does it all without the use of Google.

For those interested in the data..... 42.12 miles (home to home), 1,451 ft elevation, average 10.8 miles/hr
