Wednesday 3rd April 2024

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

There was a slightly smaller gathering at the clubhouse, maybe a combination of holidays and a forecast of showers had put some off.

I offered a 30 miler to Valeview equestrian centre at Old Dalby and 9 of us set off in a light mizzle.

We wended our way through town and out along Meadow Lane then onto Cotes, Hoton, Wymeswold, Wysall and Willoughby. Brian had to push the last hundred yards as he had a puncture once we had negotiated the electric gates we abandoned our bikes and piled inside.

We were the only customers except for a friendly Jack Russel.

We all chose our bites and drinks and decamped to a large table, meanwhile Brian and Mick were outside attending to the puncture. They eventually came in with the offending wheel and we proceeded to fit a new tube.

Leigh was most upset with the lack of equine activity in fact there were more dogs than horses.

We set off back (Mick guessing the correct code for the gate!!) after Brian had refitted his wheel. We returned via Gibsons Lane then onto Willoughby and Wymeswold where the group split, some heading home via Hoton and the rest via Burton and Barrow.

I guess the ride would have been about 30 miles clubhouse to clubhouse, we avoided the rain until the last 10 minutes or so.

Hopefully all enjoyed the ride.

Short Ride

Report by John

After the other 3 rides had departed just Pat, Nim, Eric, Myles and Stuart remained with John for a ride to the Village Shop at Normanton on Soar. This refreshment stop was chosen as rain was forecast for late morning and this would put the riders close to home.

The group set off through the University and up Ashby Road before turning into Garendon Park to climb up past the Temple of Venus and join the old Coach Road leading into Shepshed. 

Pat and Eric

Nim, Myles and Stuart

The group passing the Temple of Venus

After passing through the town centre the riders headed north through Long Whatton climbing up to the Kegworth bypass, where instead of taking the usual route down Whatton Road, they headed east for the A6.

This turned out to be a mistake as there were road works where they had to join a queue at the traffic lights.

After negotiating Kegworth the group headed east across the Soar to Kingston before turning south and then south-east along Melton Road and Brickyard Lane to Travells Hill. After climbing the Hill the riders enjoyed a rapid descent down Butt Lane to their refreshment stop.

After sampling the very good value fare provided by the volunteers at the shop, the riders headed for home over Fox Hill, arriving in Stanford just as the church clock struck noon, Pat, Nim and Eric headed for home down Stanford Lane, while the remaining riders returned to Loughborough via Meadow Lane.
