Wednesday 1st May 2024

Medium Ride

Report by Keith

The ride to Bradmore (Cherry Lane Garden Centre) drew a slightly over the recommended limit of eight, but carrying out a rapid risk assessment Keith decided he was with competent responsible cyclists! So with Betty, Anne, Jeff, Dave, Phil, Robs (Smith and Stephens), Jed and Terry, they crossed town using the canal route parallel to Belton Road which now has no stile to negotiate, then via Stanford, Cotes, Burton, Wymeswold to Six Hills. Then back under the A46 and right along Hades Lane (nice name) through Willoughby and Wysall to the cafĂ©. Doubt was cast on the “30 mile” route as we had already done about 23, but this was put aside as the 10% cyclist discount was used for a selection of cake, scones with jam and cream or cheese, and bacon sarnies. Shock was expressed around the table that one scone purchaser did not consume all the clotted cream – where is the staying power expected of our group!

Robert, Keith, Rob (hidden), Jeff♀, Ian, Terry, Phil, Betty, Anne and Jed at Cherry Lane Garden Centre, Bradmore

A direct route back through Bunny, East Leake, West Leake and Sutton Bonington was only interrupted by frequent phone call between Jeff and the University to arrange payment for a PhD related trip to a conference in Pisa – finally resolved at East Leake.

The sorry state of the roads was noted, and it was suggested that it may be easier to signal a smooth bit of road, rather than our custom of signalling potholes. Thoughts Andrew?

The doubters were proved correct when arriving back in Loughboro’ around 1.15 we had done 38 miles.

Short Ride

Report by Andrew

If you've never been into Oasis please ignore the subtitles in italics!!

The Ride

(All Round The World).

Andrew, Dom, David, Derek and Myles left our spiritual home of Holt Drive on a pleasant spring morning. We headed out through Shelly onto the old A6 into Quorn, and then turned right and up the hill past the GCR, through Woodhouse, and passed by Roecliffe Manor. As we approached Bradgate Park, I thought we were nearly there (Newtown Linford) and would merely progress through Bradgate Park, but David had other ideas and made us go a few extra miles via Anstey!!!!!

Derek, David, Andrew, Myles and Dom at the Post Office in Newton Linford

Following refreshments we came out of Newtown Linford up Sharpley Hill where we noticed The Gray Lady had been demolished (maybe to be replaced by a tempting cyclists' coffee shop??). We then wended our way to Beacon Road for the epic and exhilarating stretch past Beacon Hill and Beaumanor Hall towards the old A6. Sadly this fabulous downhill section was into the wind. Still great though. Turned left at Quorn and back home at approx 1230 after about 22 miles of cycling.

The Banter

(Some Might Say).

Usual eloquence including:-

  • The joys and otherwise of having kitchens fitted at home
  • First kisses (ask Derek to explain!!!)
  • Working practices at John Lewis (can't recall why)
  • PPE and cycling …a regular these days
  • Kids’ inheritances
  • Retirement - a favourite subject of mine
  • Led Zep .. why didn't they release singles?

The Coffee Shop

(Roll with it).

We stopped at The Post Office in Newton Linford, really nice to sit out in the gardens with excellent selection of teas, coffees and cakes. (And one of our kind riders offered celebrations to supplement the purchase, which were grateful accepted!!). I was interested in how the staff were miced up - can't escape from the boss!! The stop was probably about 35/40 minutes until we were summoned/ instructed to carry on by our leader!! (Spoilsport!!!).

Road Conditions

(Don't Look Back In Anger).

I was moderately impressed by the condition of the road surfaces, not many troublesome and inconvenient pot holes were found or annoying sunken / raised ironworks noted. Wait til we get a really bad winter!!

All in all an excellent morning, thank you David for leading, and definitely miles better than going to work!!
