Wednesday 10th April 2024

The day started quite chilly, and rain was forecast for early afternoon.

Short Ride

Report by David

David retrieved a route previously stored and used on an aging Garmin and offered a shortish ride. He was followed by Andy, Ged, Rob, Trisha, Nim, Dave, Betty and Mick. We went out along Holt Drive via Beacon Avenue to Shelthorpe, then along the A6004 towards Quorn. We turned off along Farley Way towards Barrow upon Soar, taking the road bridge over the A6. After climbing Bridge Street, we went left at the Dinosaur roundabout and past the village shops, pausing to check we still had everybody. So far, we had had the wind behind us.

We continued along the Nottingham Road until the Barrow Road turning for Burton on the Wolds. Mick had an assignation here, so the rest of us continued right on the B676, then left past the burial ground on Wymeswold Lane. Overall, the traffic was quite light, particularly on minor roads, but with the odd exception on a bend. We took the usual zigzag route through Wymeswold then turned off the A6006 for Wysall. As we turned, a young lady in a jeep was in the midst of a 3-point turn, or so we surmised; but it was an easy decision for her to let us pass rather than be subject to scrutiny regarding said turn. By now, the earlier chill had gone.

On a way through Thorpe in the Glebe, Mick sailed through to rejoin us. Some workmen were observing the road surface and laying cones, so we may have got through in the nick of time. Next, in Wysall, we turned right, up the incline past the Plough, and left onto Bradmore Road. Some distance along here the road does a double bend before plunging down the craggy carriageway and testing out how well our nuts and bolts were done up. I think we all passed the test.

We passed some high walled premises on our left, but the wall was broken in several places, allowing us to see a healthy crop of bluebells in the shelter of the trees. It was not long before we reached our coffee stop, the Wellington CafĂ© at the Cherry Lane Garden Centre, Bradmore. We parked our bikes in a corner near the front and then noticed that there were three cycle stands in a more remote corner, which were Sheffield stands. Service was reasonably quick and we found table no. 9 was large enough for all of us. Other people’s food was being delivered to table no. 9 too, but we think the waiter found the rightful owner. He set himself the challenge of taking away all our empties on one tray, and thankfully there was no crash of crockery or cutlery.

As we emerged, the first signs of rain appeared as a light mist. We retraced our route back as far as Fairham Brook Lane, then turned right along that bumpy thoroughfare. At the end, we went left onto the A60, then right onto Gotham Road. Here the wind was against us, but at least the rain was no heavier. As we passed the entrance for British Gypsum, it was immediately apparent that the road had been resurfaced recently. We continued under the railway bridge then up the hill to the turning for East Leake. Here we stopped for a group photo.

Andy, Ian, Mike, Rob, Tricia, Betty, Nim and Ged

As we reached the other railway bridge, that goes over the track, it was evident that some motorist had bashed a 6-foot hole in the bridge parapet, allowing us to see the grassy railway track below. We rode on to East Leake, where the aroma of fish and chips reminded us that it would soon be lunchtime. We turned left onto Leake Road, then right up Castle Hill. Some of our faster riders stopped on the Loughborough Road for everyone to regroup, just before Betty left us for home.

The ride crossed the A6006 and went down Leake Lane against the wind. After cycling through Stanford on Soar, Trisha turned off along Stanford Lane. At least Meadow Lane was not flooded, and we persevered though repeatedly stopped by every set of traffic lights. Then the rain started to get a bit heavier.

Anyone returning to Holt Dive would have been there by 12:35, having covered 25.3 miles. Our average speed was 11.3 mph and we climbed 1194 feet.

 Message from John

Many thanks for the messages hoping I recover well following my fall from the bike yesterday. 

Things probably looked worse than they were. I've got a bit of bump and some scabbing on my face. Worst injury caused by the left arm of my glasses digging into my face. Now glued up.

Brain scan clear and X-ray of my left arm showed a crack/break which is what is now giving me the most aggro. Should be OK in a week or two.

Good cycling,

