Wednesday 6th March 2024

A rather cool, damp and misty morning produced a good turnout with four rides departing from Holt Drive.

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

I'd offered to lead if needed so when JC arrived he confirmed that indeed a shortish ride would be needed.

I offered a 25 miler to Syston and so 6 of us set out along the A6 cycle path towards Quorn. We hadn't quite reached The Shelthorpe roundabout when we encountered Nimesh heading to the meeting spot. As it was a bit late he decided to join us so we proceeded via Woodhouse Road, Swithland, Rothley and on then joined the canal towpath at Cossington to Syston where by using the cycleways we emerged on Brookside and stopped at the Brookside Cafe.

A cafe which seemed to concentrate more on the standard cafe fare with a limited cake palate, we all managed to find something to drink and eat.

On leaving we went via Barkby lane to Queniborough where Eric noticed a new cafe (Queni Bean). We carried on through E Goscote and Ratcliffe to Cossington where I left the group to make their own way home.

I had covered 24 and a bit miles.

Hopefully all enjoyed the ride.

Short Ride

Report by John

After the other 3 rides had departed John was left with a surprisingly large group, consisting of Andrew, Derek, Chris, Paul, Dennis, Myles, Robert and Betty, who had opted for a ride to Millie's on Paudy Lane.

The group left Loughborough via Meadow Lane, which had road closed signs up due to previous flooding. However the waters had subsided and the riders managed to navigate their way around the remaining large puddles. From Stanford they turned south to Cotes before climbing to Hoton and then taking Wymeswold Road towards Six Hills.

Derek leading along Narrow Lane

John took a photo stop on Narrow Lane and on catching up the group at the junction with Melton Road, found they were preparing to head back to Burton. After a course correction the riders turned onto Paudy Lane and, as the sun looked as though it might break through, they took a longer route by heading down Berrycott Lane to Seagrave. From there they climbed back up to Paudy Lane and headed west again for Millie's where some of their excellent cakes were sampled.

Andrew, Derek, Chris, Paul, Dennis, Myles (in front), Robert, Betty and John at Millie's.

The riders took the direct route back through Barrow, returning to Loughborough just after mid day.
