Wednesday 13th December 2023

An overcast morning with spots of rain and a cold northerly wind saw a surprisingly good turnout with three groups setting out.

Short Ride

Report by John

Once the longer rides had left, Eric, Marcus, Dave, Dom, David, Betty, Marcus, Ian, Andrew and John decided to head for the Jade Cafe at Newtown Linford. The group took Cross Lane and wended their way through the Shelthorpe estate to reach the cyclle path to Quorn where they took a right turn past the Quarry and then on to Swithland. From there the direct route to Bradgate was taken and here the Park gates were found to be open, removing the need to dismount.

The Jade Tea Room provided its usual selection of tempting cakes and it would seem that most of the riders follow the moto "Always give way to temptation, it may not come your way again". Marcus ordered Fruit Cake and ended up with a last slice that would probably only a little short of a double portion.

Returning through Bradgate Park

The group returned through the Park via Swithland, Woodhouse and Quorn, arriving back in Loughborough around 12.30pm.

Medium Ride

Report by Vic

The late website announcement of a 10am start nearly derailed the day's rides but WhatsApp saved the day.

When Eric and I arrived, JC was already organising the surprisingly large group of fluorescent jackets. He immediately asked if I would lead a ride and so having discussed such a scenario with Eric on our ride in a 30 miler was proposed to Bradmore Garden Centre.

I set off with Rob, Jim, Brian, and John in tow. Due to possible flooding issues we went via the station and Nottingham Road and onto Cotes here we turned off and then up Bandalls Lane and onto Burton.

From Burton we headed to Wymeswold and then Wysall where we turned off leaving a couple of miles to complete. Our progress had been slowed by a cool nagging northerly headwind.

On arrival we locked the bikes and were pleased to see no queue for the refreshments so we ordered and got our cyclists discount.

After putting the world to rights we left and headed towards Keyworth, Widmerepool, Willoughby and back through Wymeswold here John turned towards Burton whilst the rest carried onto Hoton, here Brian left leaving Rob, Jim and myself to traverse the last couple of miles back along Nottingham Road past the station.

I had covered about 28 miles, hopefully all had enjoyed the ride.

Merry Xmas to all, I'm not around next week.
