
Showing posts from December, 2023

Andrew's Advent Calendar

  2023 Wednesday cyclists advent calender.  1  number of walks I went on with the group due to the roads being too icey and dangerous type ride on.   From the Moat Road car park up to the Outwoods and back again.   In case there's any doubt, even though it wasn't a ride, we still managed a good stop in Olivia's Coffee Shop to sample th e ir offerings!!!  These things have to be done!!! 1  number of chains that snapped on my ride!!  Not good news as my fellow riders tried to save the situation taking out a link and putting in a pin.  The most fiddly job I've ever known.  In the end got a new chain and cassette fitted, so it was an expensive day!!    2  number of tea bags in the pot at Birstall Community Centre, I like strong tea but was as high as a kite following the caffeine infusion.   2  The number of chickens who "attacked" our group at Stonehurst Farm in the hunt for scraps… no chance!!  They should know us better than us giving away our delightful refres

Wednesday 20th December 2023

With Christmas less that a week away plus a cool overcast morning, turnout was down a bit with two groups departing Holt Drive. Short Ride Report by John For once the short ride left first with Robert, Chris, Andrew, :Myles, John N. , Dennis, Paul, Eric and Betty following John out through the University to Shepshed. The ride out along Tickow Lane and Charley Road was uneventful and the riders arrived at Bawdon Lodge just after 11am, Eric sorted out a table for all ten riders and an assortment of cakes was sampled. Robert, Chris, Andrew, Myles and John at Bawdon Lodge. John, Eric, Betty, Myles, Dennis and Paul at Bawdon Lodge. The group returned via Beacon Hill, Woodhouse and Quorn, losing some riders along the way who were heading home, arriving back in Loughborough just after noon. Eric leading Robert and John N. up Charley Road

Wednesday 13th December 2023

An overcast morning with spots of rain and a cold northerly wind saw a surprisingly good turnout with three groups setting out. Short Ride Report by John Once the longer rides had left, Eric, Marcus, Dave, Dom, David, Betty, Marcus, Ian, Andrew and John decided to head for the Jade Cafe at Newtown Linford. The group took Cross Lane and wended their way through the Shelthorpe estate to reach the cyclle path to Quorn where they took a right turn past the Quarry and then on to Swithland. From there the direct route to Bradgate was taken and here the Park gates were found to be open, removing the need to dismount. The Jade Tea Room provided its usual selection of tempting cakes and it would seem that most of the riders follow the moto "Always give way to temptation, it may not come your way again". Marcus ordered Fruit Cake and ended up with a last slice that would probably only a little short of a double portion. Returning through Bradgate Park The group returned through

Wednesday 6th December 2023

Photos from the Xmas Lunch can be viewed here . If any one can help with the Mince Pie Run at Belton on Sunday 17th December please let John Catt know by emailing . Photo by Derek Adams