Wednesday 22nd November 2023

Short Ride

Report by Terry

Again, a significant crowd gathered at Holt Drive. After the longer rides had left to various corners of the county, it still left a large crowd for the short ride to Rearsby with Vic, I (Terry) therefore offered a delightful alternative 20 mile ride to Millies.

This offer was taken up by Margaret, Anne, Dennis, Howard and Nim. We left Holt Drive across the Greenbelt and headed across town to Meadow Lane and Stanford. Approaching the North Road traffic lights, we saw Bryan’s group in the distance. The right turn in Stanford was considerably aided by a Stop/Go man on the corner, it looked as though Severn Trent were pumping away flood water!

Onward to Cotes and across the A60, I don’t mind crossing the A60 here in this direction because you can see both ways, unlike approaching from Barrow! From here we climbed the slight hill towards Prestwold, turning right with the hall in view Nim excitedly exclaimed that’s where he got married. We turned left towards Burton, Howard told me he likes going this way because the road surface is so good, but I assured him someone will dig it up soon!

Just before leaving Burton, we turned left heading for Wymeswold, along here Bryan’s group caught us up and passed us! We all split up in Wymeswold, Bryan’s group turning left probably towards Wysall and we carried straight on to Six Hills. The road from Wymeswold to Six Hills is a bit of a long drag, mainly up hill. At Six Hills we turned right into Paudy Lane, my GPS gadget indicated 3.5 miles to Millies which I really did not believe, but it was slightly further as I had plotted to Paudy Farm and Millies is slightly further.

There were no free seats inside at Millies but unsurprisingly plenty under the canopy, we ordered inside and with a copious supply of blankets the group moved back outside to await the beverages and sustenance. My original route returned us via Rothley and Swithland but this would have meant a 29 mile ride and I had promised a 20-21 mile ride. Therefore, avoiding a revolt, we headed straight back to Loughborough via Quorn. Nim left us at Barrow and Dennis at the One Ash island. The rest of the group split at the Aldi island.

A total distance of 20.5 miles, a total ascent of 254m and an average 10.7 mph.

Long Ride

Report by Graham

Forecast was a bit iffy today, so when I arrived at Holt Square I had only 1 taker, the ever faithful Mick, for my long ride. But when Dave saw the size of the other rides, he joined us, and as we left, Jim was just arriving and jumped on board, making us 4 strong.

Outbound we went via the newly permissive Garendon track to Shepshed, where we paused briefly for Mick to recall how he'd met his then girlfriend, now wife of 60 years, cleaning her teeth in the street, there being no running water in the house. Them were the days...

We continued along route 6 towards Worthington then carried on through Griffydam, Sinope and Packington, then a bit of off-roading over the M42 and we were at Hick's lodge. The cafe was busy with other cyclists and also families, but Mick showed how well Phil had trained him, and rearranged enough chairs for us to squeeze round an indoor table.

Return was via Donisthorpe and onto route 63 which follows a disused railway line to Measham, then Swepstone, Heather, Ravenstone, Whitwick etc and back over Mount St Bernard.

Jim shot off for an afternoon commitment and we three continued up Charley Road and down through Woodhouse Eaves, by which time I'd done 45 miles, and a fair amount of climbing.

I'd forgotten to take a photo, so here's a helmet cam shot of Mick in full storytelling mode.

Shortish Ride

Report by Vic

JC was still indisposed for one reason or another so it fell to Derek to get some semblance of order into the proceedings.

On a cool overcast morning the clubhouse was open as usual and by the time I arrived there was already a reasonable number of eager members.

By the time 9.30am came it was obvious the days menu as suggested was not going to suffice as there was a largish proportion of the throng looking for a short ride. With this in mind Terry offered an extra ride to Millie's at Barrow. Brian was doing a 30 miler to Barton in Fabis and Graham who hadn't yet arrived a 40 miler to Picks Lodge.

Brian was quickly surrounded by a baying pack and set off slightly early with a group of about 10.

I gathered those wanting a ride out to Rearsby and Terry did the same. That left Graham and Dave for the longer ride!

I set off with 10 via Quorn Into Mountsorrel and then to get the blood pumping we turned up Bond Lane. At the top we reconvened and Derek rang the cafe to f

orewarn them of our arrival. We then carried on via Rothley, Cossington, Ratcliffe, E. Goscote and then onto Rearsby.

I must say It was very welcome to be ushered into the Snug on our arrival and it lived up-to its name.

The cake selection was admirable and the staff very efficient and welcoming. Several of us chose the excellent date and walnut cake.

On departure we turned right to Thrussington, then to Ratcliffe and through Sileby and across the Slabs to Quorn where I left the group to cover the last mile, home.

I had covered about 32 miles but from clubhouse to clubhouse I think it would have been about 23 miles.

I hope all enjoyed the ride as much as I did.

Medium Ride to Barton in Fabis

Report by Bryan

Present: Bryan, Jedd, Alan, Rob, Trish, John and Rob.

Great company for a largely uneventful ride. Ave speed 12.1mph.

The Dovecote proved warm and friendly but skimpy with the butter on Trish’s scone not to say they didn’t provide any jam either. Rob played the galant, successfully asking for more butter on her behalf.

A group split off before Zouch leaving David, Rob and Bryan to finish through Hathern.
