Wednesday 25th October 2023

Short Ride

Report by John and Derek

Duncan, Franic, Pat, Marcus, David, John, Rob and Derek decided to head for St. Joseph's Tea Room off Oaks Road and as they don't open until 11am it was decided to take a longer route than normal to get there.

The riders took last weeks route out through the University and then on to Shepshed via the new Coach Road route, but this time turned right at Cumbrian way to get to the town centre (in fact the shorter route would have been a left and then right along Fairway Road). The group headed north along Hallamford Road before taking Carr Lane to Belton. 

Franic and Pat heading south on Forest Road.

From here the riders turned south down Forest Lane and on to Swannymote Road which provided a long steady climb up to Oaks Road where the riders turned left to arrive at the Tea Room a minute or two before they opened.

Franic, Pat, Marcus, David, John, Rob and Derek at the St. Joseph's Tea Rooms

After leaving St Joseph's we decided to head towards Woodhouse Eaves to try and get somewhere near our 20 miles. At Charley crossroads John decided to return straight to Loughborough so as not to stress his hip to much. The rest of us headed towards top of Beacon Hill. Then turning down the hill towards Woodhouse we all went down the hill at different speeds and regrouped in Woodhouse, where we bumped into Terry's group. After a brief chat both the groups headed back to Loughborough via Quorn with Derek and David risking Mucklin Wood.

We ended back in Loughborough around 12.30.

Medium Ride

Report by Terry

Nine riders left Holt Drive, Anne, Margaret, Leigh, Dennis, Andrew, Ian, Chris, Myles and myself Terry with Anne acting as back marker and shepherdess, political correctness hasn’t reached me yet!!!!.

We were heading to Jades Tea Room at Newtown Linford via Quorn, Barrow, Sileby and Cossington, Vic having confirmed the route was passable.

We left Loughborough along Epinal Way heading to Quorn and turned left at the Farley Way traffic lights to Barrow, entering Barrow the traffic was quite heavy and the group got split up, therefore the leading group paused at the Dinosaur Island for the trailing group to catch up.

The journey to Cossington was fairly quick and uneventful, after Cossington we could see where the road had been flooded as there was quite a lot of debris still on the road. Severn Trent Water had blocked Rothley Crossroads (but Vic had advised this and knew we could get passed).

The leading group slowed up the hill out of Rothley to ensure the group was together as I was turning left at the top to Thurcaston and did not want anyone going straight on! In Thurcaston we went straight across the crossroads and on to Anstey.

Anstey was very busy and with a nasty junction/roundabout in the middle we again got split, I waited on the exit of the junction, sending everyone ahead as it was now a straight road to Newtown Linford and waited for all to cross safely and be on the correct road.

I had a panic attack when I arrived at Jades there was no one in sight, however I quickly found them parking their bikes around the back. Dennis was the first to get his tea and took up the absent Philip’s mantle and rearranged the tables to accommodate the nine of us!

Ian, Myles, Chris, Andrew, Leigh, Anne, Dennis and Margaret at the Jade Tea Room in Newtown Linford

Leigh found his cake (white chocolate cake of some description) delicious but too sweet and left at least half. But unbeknown to me several gannets had joined the group and the remnants soon disappeared.

We left Jades to return through a very busy Bradgate Park to Hall Gates, Swithland and Woodhouse. Whilst waiting in Woodhouse for the back markers to catch up Derek and his merry group appeared, and we had a rather larger group to Quorn.

The group split up at Aldi to go to different parts of the town.

A total distance of 25.5 miles.

Long Ride

Report by Keith

Keith was joined by a veritable host, (Rob Sm, Rob St, Brian, Bryan, Sean, Trish, Vic, Mick, Jedd, Phil D) as we set off across L’boro and down Meadow Lane. A quick question showed we were not going to be put off by a couple of inches of flood water, so through we went and on to Sutton Bonington and Kegworth, whilst along the way we received what I am sure were some grateful comments emanating from the cab of a small lorry as it passed us, despite being on a wide traffic free stretch.

Long Lane was just flood free, and we managed not to get lost as we crossed the A50 towards Lockington and into Castle Donington, where preparations were in train for the 745th year of the Castle Donington Wakes Fair. However we bagged the space outside Tylers Tea Room before the trampoline ride arrived. The enormous bacon rolls were the standout from a good array of food and drink we consumed. The large adjacent church building with spire is for sale, and we wondered who would purchase such an edifice.

Rob, Brian, Jedd, Phil D, Trish,  Mick, Vic,  Sean and Bryan

Off to Donington Park where we got through at the second attempt after a cul-de-sac in a car park, though a gate still had to be scaled. More bike carrying was required as we dropped down the steps onto the Cloud Trail at Wilson. Some relief was found on the trail, and then we climbed up to Top Brand. The return was then along Route 6 back to L’boro, arriving around 13.30 after 34 miles.
