Wednesday 1st November 2023

Long Ride

Report by Brian

Mick was looking to join the long ride only to be told that he was leading it. After some head scratching,  he decided to head to Swarkestone. He was joined by Dave, Rob Smith, Tricia and myself, Brian. 

On route through Loughborough,  who should we see but Howard who decided to join us.

Mick led us up the A6 to  Kegworth and with a bit of ducking and diving around the M1 and A50 , we arrived at Shardlow. A left turn took us into Aston and Weston on Trent and on to the coffee stop at Swarkestone Garden Centre.

For  the return  leg we backtracked a mile or so to pick up the Cloud Trail  as far as Tonge. 
Mike, Tricia, Rob, Brian and Dave on the Cloud Trail

After heaving the bikes up the steep  steps we came back the usual way through  Belton, Shepshed, over the M1 and back to Loughborough .

Thanks to Mick for a great ride at short notice . 36 miles and no rain!

Medium Ride

Report by Terry

Nine riders left Holt Drive Anne, Margaret, Robert, Laurence, Keith, Dave, Phil, myself Terry and George , who succumbed to malnutrition BEFORE we reached the café at Frisby Lakes, see photo!!

We left Holt Drive up Beacon Road Crosshill Lane and Hazel Road to avoid the Aldi traffic island. From there the route was: Farley Way, Barrow Road, Bridge Street, South Street, a pause at South Street to allow the group to reassemble and then Melton Road.

From Melton Road onto climbing Paudy Lane which seemed to go on forever! Turning right at Six Hills along Six Hills Lane to Grimston and passed Saxelbye to Asfordby and Frisby Lakes. Panic set in at Frisby Lakes, although the sign on the door said open the door itself was locked, a bit of rattling and a walk to a window saw a person coming down the stairs, asked if they were open, he said “we are now”!

Phil, Ian, Margaret, Terry, George (who succumbed to malnutrition BEFORE we reaching the café) Anne, Laurence, Robert and Keith at Frisby Lakes.

The route back from Frisby Lakes was via Hoby, Thrussington, and Ratcliffe on the Wreake. At Sileby a straw poll was taken as to whether we dared to go along Mountsorrel Lane but it turned out there was no flood and as we passed Slash Lane it looked open also!

Leaving Mountsorrel it was noticed Phil was missing, it turned out he had a soft tyre, Keith volunteered to stay with him as they live close to each other.

No further issues occurred and the group started to split up at Aldi.

A total of 31 miles (for me anyway).

Short Ride

Report by Derek

After getting the 30 and 40 mile rides away I was left with Paul, David,Clyde John, Eric, Chris. Andrew and a new Rider Nim plus of course myself.

I gave the group two options of coffee stops, either Jade Tea Rooms or Stonehurst Farm, both rides taking in the forest. Stonehurst farm was chosen as we had not been there for quite a long time.

I enlisted the help of David and his Garmin to pick a route of around 20 miles not straying to far from Loughborough just in case the rain came down. Heading out via Quorn, Woodhouse Swithland and then Rothley, we stopped to catch our breath for 5 mins before heading down towards the old A6 and a short ride along the cycle path finally arriving at Stonehurst farm with 15 miles on David's Garmin.

Nim, Andrew, Chris, Derek, Eric, John, Clyde, Paul and David at Stonehurst Farm

We admired the farm animals and the Halloween pumpkins before going to order our refreshments. 

The Pumpkin Display 

 As we were quite a large group we opted to sit outside in the old barn where the ladies brought our coffees and snacks out. We were all impressed with David's seasonal choice of pumpkin and chestnut soup and crusty bread.

David's Pumpkin & Chestnut Soup

We also had to contend with the farm chickens pecking at our feet wanting the crumbs from our bread and cakes.

Topic of conversation was varied but we were trying to give out New member Nim some training tip for his upcoming 50+ mile London to Brighton ride next year.

The sky started to cloud over so we decided to head back along the old A6 getting back to Loughborough around Noon with 20 miles on the Garmin.

Route of Short Ride
