
Showing posts from October, 2023

Wednesday 25th October 2023

Short Ride Report by John and Derek Duncan, Franic, Pat, Marcus, David, John, Rob and Derek decided to head for St. Joseph's Tea Room off Oaks Road and as they don't open until 11am it was decided to take a longer route than normal to get there. The riders took last weeks route out through the University and then on to Shepshed via the new Coach Road route, but this time turned right at Cumbrian way to get to the town centre (in fact the shorter route would have been a left and then right along Fairway Road). The group headed north along Hallamford Road before taking Carr Lane to Belton.  Franic and Pat heading south on Forest Road. From here the riders turned south down Forest Lane and on to Swannymote Road which provided a long steady climb up to Oaks Road where the riders turned left to arrive at the Tea Room a minute or two before they opened. Franic, Pat, Marcus, David, John, Rob and Derek at the St. Joseph's Tea Rooms After leaving St Joseph's we decided t

Wednesday 18th October 2023

A cool overcast morning with rain forecast saw a lower than normal turnout. A cool overcast morning but with sunny spells saw an excellent turnout at Holt Drive with four groups setting out. Long Ride Report by Vic JC had got a note from his mum excusing him from duties due to a hip problem. Derek had been tasked to organise the weeks rides. I had offered a 30ish miler to Bradmore Garden centre. There were probably a few less members at the clubhouse than has been the recent norm. I managed to attract 6 with my offer so 7 of us set off via some back streets and cycle ways crossing paths a couple of times with Robs group. We went out via Meadow Lane then onto Sutton Bonnington, West Leake, East Leake, Costock and Wysall where we turned off down the steep hill and onto Bradmore. We were glad to see that cyclists were still entitled to a discount and Keith was just in time for the Early Bird Breakfast offer. On our return we went via Plumtree, Keyworth, Widmerepool, Wysall and

Wednesday 11th October 2023

With the cancellation of cycling today due to inclement weather, Derek asked members of the WhatsApp group if anyone was interested in a coffee and cake meet at the Beacon Inn Loughborough. Expecting about half a dozen to arrive was amazed when almost 20 turned up it involved rearranging the tables to fit us all in and Derek getting a telling off by the manager for not letting them know we were such a big group. People enjoyed sandwiches and cakes and topics discussed apart from cycling were bee keeping holidays and of course the upcoming Christmas lunch..

Wednesday 4th October 2023

A cool overcast morning produced a good turnout at Holt Drive with four groups setting out. Leigh & Derek on Brand Lane Short Ride Report by John Terry offered a very popular ride to Cossington,  so to limit the size of the group , John, Clyde, Leigh and Derek decided to head for Bawdon Lodge. The riders set out through the University and on up to Sheshed where they wended their way to Tickow Lane and then onto Charley Road, arriving at Bawdon Lodge c.10.40. Clyde, Derek and Leigh at Bawdon Lodge On departure Leigh discovered that he had a puncture. However, fortunately he has slime injected into his inner tubes that sealed the leak sufficiently, once reinflated, to get him home without further pumping. The group returned via Joe Moores Lane, Roecliffe (where Clyde left the ride), Swithland and Woodhouse, with the final leg being past Mucklin Wood to arrive back at noon. Long Ride Report by Graham I'd offered a medium or a long ride, and JC asked me to deliver t