Wednesday 6th September 2023

An overcast morning but with a forecast of a hot sunny afternoon saw a good turnout at Holt Drive with three groups setting out.

Short Ride

Report by John

The short rides again proved popular this week and John set out with Margaret, Rosalind, Ian, John N., Phil, Dennis and Duncan for the village shop at Normanton on Soar.

The riders set out through Loughborough, departing the town by way of Meadow Lane, heading north down the Soar valley, passing their designated refreshment stop on the way out, passing through Kingston before turning south up West Leake Lane. 

Philip and John leading the riders along West Leake Lane

Arriving on the outskirts of West Leake, the riders turned right and took Brickyard Lane to Travell's Hill. At the foot of the hill was a wheelbarrow containing free apples that immediately attracted the attention of some or the riders.

After a slight delay at the top of the hill while waiting for the apple connoiseurs, the riders headed down Butt Lane to Normanton and the village shop where they were met by Ray. 

Margaret, Rosalind, Ian, Ray, John, Phil, Dennis and Duncan at Normanton Village Shop.

After a pleasant sojourn in the sun the riders returned to Loughborough via Fox Hill, arriving back around noon.

Ride to Bawdon Lodge

Report by Keith

On a foggy morning, Robert, Bryan, Paul, Andrew & Laurence set out for Bawdon Lodge, led by Keith.

After passing through the University, first stop was Bryan's to drop off a Tommy Cooper DVD provided by Mick. Next on to Coe Avenue to join the Garendon trail to Shepshed. Talking Hallamford Road out of Shepshed on to Belton. After Belton we decided to Head towards St Joseph's.

After ascending Swannymote Road we arrived at St Joseph's by 10.30. Since St Joseph's didn't open till 11 we continued to Bawdon Lodge. As we sat outside the sun came out.

Paul, Bryan, Keith, Laurence and Andrew at Bawdon Lodge Farm

Having been suitably refreshed with coffee and cake we rode up to the Beacon. Turning Right towards the golf course the descent began. Next Back to Loughborough via Woodhouse and Quorn. Approximately 25 miles with 450m of climbing.

Medium Ride

Report by Graham

I've been absent for a while, which had given me ample time to plot a fiendish route via some of the most salubrious Leicester suburbs, and so I led an unsuspecting Marcus, Vic, Rob Smith, Clyde, Mick, Tricia, Andy W and Brian south along the old A6.

Our first challenge was traversing the enormous earthworks on the new A6 south of Mountsorrel, but the cycle path was fine (better than the original in fact), and we were soon over the pedestrian bridge at Birstall and into Watermead.

We were briefly split, when the water bit of Watermead got to Vic's bladder, but we regrouped and continued south past the woolly mammoth.

A quick jink through Sainsbury's car park had all confused and it only got more tortuous from then on. Suffice to say we passed through an estate where all the roads were named after golfers, then some industrial class fly tipping, before a network of hidden cycleways named after gemstones. Just as my disciples were about to mutiny, I popped us through a hole in the hedge and miraculously out onto Hamilton Lane.

Then it was just a couple of sunny miles up the road to our destination, Roots at Barkby, where the team slowly recovered their collective orientation.

Tricia, Brian, Vic, Andy, Rob, Clyde, Mike and Marcus at Roots at Barkby

Return was far less eventful, Barkby then Sileby then the canal to Cossington and homewards.

I'll close by citing a few Strava comments from those unfortunate enough to have joined me. Vic: "Graham leading through the back streets and alleyways of Leicester"; Rob: "Secret route through Leicester to Roots"; Marcus: "Off Grid Medium to Roots", and Andy: "Wildly confusing route through Leicester but all good fun".

Postscript: I was stung by a wasp near the end of the ride and spent the afternoon in A&E, as I have a history with wasps. Some might call it Karma...
