Wednesday 19th April 2023

A dull April morning, with a forecast for the sun putting in an appearance later, produced a good turnout at Holt Drive.

Longer Short Ride

Report by Vic

There was a large gathering of riders, some new faces and some habitual criminals assembled awaiting this weeks offer.

JC arrived looking normal except for the apparent absence of teeth. This in no way interfered with his efficient organising of the rabble.

I offered a ride to the Deli / Cafe at Thrussington somewhere I had been meaning to go as I felt they must be wondering what had happened to all those cyclists that frequented there during the covid times.

A small but select band of 5 of us departed and we wended our way out of Loughborough via the Cricket club, the endowed schools and King Street past the. Station to Cotes and then Prestwold. We carried on up the hill to Hoton where we turned towards Wymeswold. The strong easterly wind was cold and directly into Our face. We carried on through Wymeswold and then took the lane uphill to the Durham Ox where we passed under the A46 and onto Ragdale.

The wind was now across us and at Hoby directly behind us as we turned for Thrussington pushing us along at a good speed.

We parked the bikes through the gate and entered via the back door.

I can thoroughly recommend the sausage roll although was sorely tempted by the Eccles cake which Ian assured was also delicious. 

Margaret, Tricia, David and Vic

After a convivial half an hour or more we headed back via Ratcliffe and Cossington where I left the group to find their own way back.

I had covered about 27 miles and hopefully all had enjoyed the refreshments if not the ride!!

Medium Ride

Report by Howard, (with help from ChatGPT)

What a great day for a bike ride! I was joined by Paul, Jeff, and Bryan, as we set off towards our intended cafe stop at Sarsfield's Chocolaterie. The journey began with a tough headwind fighting us all the way up Paudy Lane to Six Hills, but we powered through and were rewarded with an amazing descent down Green Hill just east of Old Dalby.
When we arrived at Sarsfield's Chocolaterie, we were all ready for a break and some refreshments. Bryan opted for a Bacon Sandwich on brown bread with tomato, Jeff and I had a heated Chocolate Brownie.  I think Paul had a sausage roll.

After our break, we realised that my rear tyre was flat. A loose valve insert appeared to be the problem, and I was able to quickly re-pressurise the tyre and get back on the road in no time. While this was happening, the others took the opportunity to top up their tyre pressure as well.

As we set off on our return journey via the back route along Hickling Lane to Upper Broughton, we were delighted to find that the wind was now behind us and strengthening. We took a long route back through Willoughby on the Wolds, Wysall, Costock, East Leake, and Normanton, and we even managed to pick up some personal bests on Strava thanks to the tailwind.
Bryan left us just after Wysall in a bid to gain yet another Strava segment all the way to Costock, so we wished him well and continued on our way. The rest of us quickly made our way back to Loughborough, arriving just before 2 pm, having covered about 60kms (37 miles) and 445 metres (1460 feet) of ascent. It was a challenging ride at times, but it was definitely worth it for the beautiful scenery, delicious food, and great company.

Intermediate Ride

Report by Brian

As Mick was offering  a 30 mile ride to the cafe at the top of the hill at Twyford,  Dave and myself (Brian ) decided  to accompany  him.

Further discussions  took place through  Mountsorrel, Sileby and Cossington about our destination with Burrough  Court mentioned (also at the top of a hill). Mick then played his trump card, a place that served breakfast  bagels and unlimited tea/coffee all for the princely sum of £4.14.
And so it was that the White House at Scraptoft ( a Weatherspoons) became our new destination. After Syston and Barkby Thorpe, Scraptoft hove into view, also at the top of a hill
Bagels and coffees consumed, we eventually managed to drag Mick back to his bike after his third hot chocolate and a chance meeting with some old friends  of his. Having navigated Scraptofts one way system  successfully, we headed east  to Keyham, then south to Beeby and Barkby. For a change, we went to Queniborough  and East Goscote then the usual route home  through  Cossington  and Sileby. A distance  of about  33 miles. (Photo to follow).

Short Ride

Report by John

Quite often the short ride is the least popular, but this week the other three rides failed to attract large numbers, with John C., Dom, Rob, Andrew, Pat, Clyde, John N., Eric , Robert, together with new riders Dennis, Duncan and Fiona, opting for this.

Dom, Fiona, Rob, (Duncan hidden), Andrew, Pat, Clyde, John, Dennis, Eric and Robert on Narrow Lane

The group went through Loughborough past the Magistrates Court and onto Meadow Lane before turning south down Stanford Lane to Cotes. They then ascended to Prestwold and into the wind to Wymeswold then ascending Narrow Lane to Six Hills. From there it was easy riding generally downhill with a tail wind to Millies where they were met by Ray Clay.

Eric & Robert leading the group.

After sampling the excellent fare on offer the riders returned via Barrow with members peeling off homeward at various points.

Fiona, Pat, John, Duncan and Dennis
Eric, Ray and Robert
Clyde, Dom, Andrew and Rob                
