Wednesday 12th April 2023

A forecast for increasing showers and blustery winds combined with the Easter break, saw a much reduced turnout at Holt Drive with just two groups setting out.

Short Ride

Report by John

John, Rob, Myles, Rosalind, Andrew and Phil decided to head upwind to the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall. Taking Cross Lane and then through Shelthorpe, the riders followed the old A6 to the junction with the A46 and then crossed the Hallam Fields bridge to descend to Wanlip before turning south for refreshments at the Church Hall which was already busy.

Rob & Myles heading for Wanlip

Having almost exhausted the Hall's (excellent value) cakes and scones the riders remounted and headed through Watermead Park to the Hope and Anchor. They had been warned by riders, who had been out the previous week, that the cycle path at Cossington was blocked. However there were no notices up warning of any problems, so the riders continued north alongside the canal. However when the reached the bridge at Meadow Lane they encountered another group of riders returning due to the track being blocked.

Phil leading Andrew, Myles, Rosalind and Rob

After a brief consideration as to whether Syston or the A46 provided the best option, the riders opted for the track alongside the A46 to rejoin the old A6, then to be blown back to Loughborough arriving just past mid-day.

Longer Short Ride

Report by Vic

The weather forecast was not at all appealing with rain around lunch but more worryingly strong gusty winds. This might account for the lower numbers gathered at the Holt Drive clubhouse!

JC duly arrived and the mood seemed to be short and sweet was what was needed.

I offered a ride to Birstall but after discussions re the canal towpath being closed changed the destination to Anstey. JC then counter offered with a ride to the Church Rooms at Birstall.

There was a pretty even split of riders for each so I set off with about seven others.

I decided it was probably best to get the miles in early so we meandered our way via the back alleys and B roads through Quorn, Mountsorrel, Swithland, Cropston and finally arriving at the Nook Corner Cafe where after locking the bikes we went inside ordered and then sat upstairs with our chosen refreshments.

After a reasonable amount of jollity we resumed our ride uphill out of Anstey to Newtown Linford, here Jim departed to tackle some hills in the forest and the rest of us dodged our way around the multitude in Bradgate Park. At the Cropston car park Marcus and I turned right the rest turning left towards Woodhouse.

I returned to Cossington having covered about 26 miles and fortunately it had stayed dry and the wind was not too bad.

Hopefully all enjoyed the ride.
