Wednesday 15th March 2023

Short Medium Ride

Report by Jeff♀

This Wednesday was quite cold, so all the rides were a bit shorter than normal. Howard offered a medium ride to Donington, where we'd have our stop at Tyler's tearooms. Despite the cold it was busy at Holt Drive, and so 7 of us headed out - one of whom (Paul) had already managed to fall off the bike into a bed of flowers while standing around at Holt Drive.

The route started off through the uni, but instead of taking the bike path down Epinal Way, we were led through the most obscure housing, industrial, and fishing estates. Occasionally we'd turn up to somewhere I recognised, and those spots I recognised were spread all across town. Howard admitted it was the least efficient way to get out of town towards Hathern, and I suspect he took it to show off his advanced wizardly knowledge of the non-Euclidean streets in the area.

For the first half hour, many of us were shaking and squeezing our hands to try to keep them warm, but it wasn't long before we worked up some heat through cycling.

The ride was not too hilly, but there were a couple of tough hills. The first one was in Donington, right before the café. There was a warning it would be steep, and it was. I was exhausted as it started levelling out, and even when it got flat at that point I was still riding on a low gear. After waiting a moment for others to catch up, I caught my breath though, and we made it through some charming narrow alleys to Tyler's.

The café was quite busy. We locked our bikes to a fence opposite. There seemed to be just enough tables to seat us, though apparently we normally sit outside. Maybe in the summer it would be better to do that, but today was much too cold. Spread across two tables, we enjoyed our coffee and snacks.

A large portion of the way back was along a road with double red lines, meaning absolutely no stopping!!!!! We made our way up and up the hill (it was not steep, just a bit long) and ended up at the airport.
Rob, Marcus, Howard, Vic, Paul, Jeff♀ and David at DHL

The group photo was taken in front of an aeroplane's  ✈️ tail fin. It's definitely a cool spot to take a photo.

We continued more or less through the airport, seeing the arrivals gate and eventually coming out of that area close to the airport trail. From the high airport plateau, we had a satisfying descent most of the way home.

Longish Ride

Report by Graham

Despite the barely above zero temperature, there were enough riders at Holt Square to warrant 4 rides, and I jumped onto what turned out to be probably the longest, to Staunton Harold.

Rob Seager was our leader, accompanied by Mick, Andy, Jim, Alan, Robert Stephens, Bryan, and myself Graham. We were only half a mile out, on Valley Road, when Mick had to have stern words with a white van man who'd passed us all unnaturally closely.

Road rage over, we meandered through the university to the Ashby Road track to Shepshed, then followed route 6 through Belton, Osgathorpe and Worthington before jinking across Nottingham Road and into Staunton Harold Park, ignoring the "Cars only" sign.

The Ferrers centre was a welcome sight, it has has arty and crafty businesses, and a coffee shop. Luckily we managed to get a couple of tables inside out of the cold, where we drank coffee and had the usual erudite conversations, cranes (Mick used to build them), EVs and defunct car repair shops being topics on our table.

Outside, as we gathered for the group photo, a lady was bitten by a dog (from her own party!), but still kindly offered to take the pic for us, hopefully no blood will show on the group shot.

Mike, Alan, Robert, Rob, Andy, Jim and Bryan at Staunton Stables

Leaving Ferrers, we skirted clockwise around Calke Abbey grounds, before going right out of Ticknall onto Broadstone Lane, a lovely traffic free path which took us along the shores of Staunton Harold reservoir, and was the highlight of the ride for me.

We proceeded through Melbourne and Wilson, where Bryan peeled off, then through Donington Park, where we were almost but not quite thwarted by a couple of locked gates, then through the airport, where Howard's ride had been an hour earlier. Finally Diseworth, Long Whatton (another white van close pass), and Hathern and we all started to go our separate ways.

From Loughborough the ride was about 37 miles, with more climbing than it felt like; thanks to Rob for a great ride to some new (for me) places.

Short Ride

Report by Terry

Another excellent turnout at Holt Drive.

Whilst John was sorting everyone else Tricia, Margaret, Keith, Andrew, Rob, Philip and Laurence quickly formed a group and set off towards Jades in Newtown Linford.

We only moved about 20 metres and several of the group got waylaid helping (observing) Graham pumping up his tyres.

We left onto Outwoods Drive and up to Pytchley Drive from there down to the Aldi island using the road instead of the excellent track, so as to avoid any ice pockets. In Quorn we turned left at the traffic lights towards Barrow and Sileby. I had originally intended to carry on to Mountsorrel and go to Sileby that way but thought caution was the better part of valour, avoiding the floods.

At the dinosaur island in Barrow the leaders stopped and waited for the trailing group, that hill always separates the groups. Passed Slash Lane which had cones and a sign saying “road closed” good job we did go this way.

Through Sileby and Cossington right down Platts Lane and on to Rothley crossroads towards Thurcaston and Anstey. At the traffic lights in Anstey my chain parted company with the gears and I pushed it across the road to sort it, telling everyone else to carry on and I’ll catch up, I thought they can’t get lost as it’s a straight road the Newtown Linford from there. I caught them more quickly than anticipated. A van was blocking the road about 100 metres further up. To this point Laurence had been back marker, because he’s tall and easy to spot, I relieved him of this duty to let him go a little faster only to find him halfway up the hill on the grass with his chain off! Once at the top of the hill out of Anstey it’s downhill all the way to Jades.

Keith, Andrew, Tricia, Laurence, Margaret, Philip and Rob at the Jade Cafe

A number of issues were discussed, particularly pot holes, and a number of solutions to recording where they were but Andrew was not keen as it meant HE had to ride through them!!

Leaving Jades through a very busy Bradgate park, teacher strike day. We left Bradgate park via Hall Gates to Swithland, Woodhouse and Quorn. Tricia left us at the traffic lights in Quorn and headed for home. The rest of the group disbanded at the Aldi island.

A total of 25 miles.

Shortest Ride

Report by John

Once the other 3 rides had departed just Rosalind, John N. , Eric and John C. remained. As there had been much rain and the Soar Valley was flooded it was felt that it would be inadvisable to head out on Meadow Lane or south to Watermead Park. Therefore the riders decided to head up west aiming for refreshments at Manor Farm, Long Whatton.

John N., Eric and Rosalind on Mill Lane

The group set out through the University and onto Shepshed, skirting the town centre to arrive on Tickow Lane, where they turned east before descending down Hallamford Road and heading north-west  to Belton via Carr Lane. From Belton the riders headed further west along Mill Lane before turning east for Diseworth and the Farm Shop at Long Whatton where the first lambs of 2023 seen by the riders were found.

Rosalind, Lamb and Eric

Here they were joined by Derek before returning to Loughborough via Hathern.
