Wednesday 19th October 2022

Short Ride

Report by Phil, ride led by Derek

 I was delighted to note the fleeing cyclists, from the Holt Drive assembly point, well before 9.30 . Four groups I think set off and the shortest ride, led magnificently by Derek also comprised Andrew , Pat, Rob and myself.

 Despite my most earnest entreaties, Derek showed no pity and we left Loughborough along the Mucklin Wood track. From there it was Swithland and small triangle near the reservoir to another small triangle adjacent to the reservoir segment. Astonishingly, we found that our selected road alongside the reservoir, was closed and separately a board told us that the footpath too was closed. Nevertheless, we rode on only to find that it was not sabotage but genuinely, the road and footpath was shut off. 

 Back ! barked your correspondent and it was again, triangle near the reservoir to triangle near the reservoir but in the reverse direction. 

A discussion was had about audax regulations. From there it was the G.C. station and some discussion of hill climbing before Rothley crossroads where we turned North along the old A6. Proceeding in an orderly fashion and without incident, Stonehouse Farm,  selected by Derek, appeared. Your correspondent added a further chair to our table to make five and shot inside for comestibles. 

Andrew, Pat, Derek, Phil & Robert at Stonehurst Farm

Delighted to observe one final portion of corn flake tart , which was served with hot custard. Musing on this, it was brought to my attention, that instead of mourning the absence of such a delicacy from the dining table at Hamson Towers, I might rouse myself to create such a tart myself. Blustering that I was a master of any and all direct flame cooking and marmalade manufacture, cut no mustard with my critic but perhaps has inspired me to make in the words of memh sahib, another fine mess ! 

I only mention this to add artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise pale and uninteresting tale. Delighted to hear that progress also being made, on an archaeological time scale ,with Derek's insurance claim, and a timely reminder of the need for a cycling helmet. 

Pat peeled off for Wymeswold and the rest of us continued on into Loughborough. In the plenary session adjacent to the Shelthorpe parade of shops, a further discussion occurred about hill climbing.  A sustained constant effort was suggested by Andrew, when climbing hills. I suggested that a number of other factors that he should consider, might bear upon his physiology, and ability to climb.Lactic acid build up and active as opposed to passive recovery once over the top of previously climbed hills should be considered.  And once those variables had been considered, VO2 max and haemocrit levels also had an effect but on  a Wednesday morning, minor order of importance. 

Medium Ride

Report by Graham

3 weeks ago I'd offered a ride to Newbold Verdon, but made the fatal mistake of adding "some off road", and hence had no takers.

So for today I reconfigured it to be tarmac only, and had 1 taker: Marcus. Then Vic took pity on me and joined us, despite the ride being in the opposite direction to where he lives.

So the 3 of us headed out via Quorn, Cropston and Anstey, picking up route 63 along the old railway track behind Glenfield. At that point we decided to take the off-road route after all, so continued on the 63 through Martinshaw Woods towards Thornton, before diving down Coley Lane to Merry Hill and thence to our destination.

Liberteas was a first for us, and also I think for LWC, but is highly recommended, with a choice of breakfast options and a large choice of cakes, including several gluten free. We were asked if we wanted to bring our bikes round the back where they'd be secure, but we'd already chained them up outside by then, a point to note for future visitors.

We returned into a stiff easterly and with several climbs, via Desford, Merry Hill, Thornton and Markfield. Vic opted for more pain by taking Priory Lane whilst Marcus and I continued along Old House Lane to Copt Oak. Marcus continued towards Nanpantan while I peeled off to take a little known track past the 2 huge aerials. I was thwarted though, the gate was locked, so I had to backtrack a bit before heading for home.

Total ride about 35 miles with a fair amount of climbing.

And we forgot to take a photo, so the best I can do is a screenshot of our route.

Another Medium Ride

Report by Keith

 Keith’s offer of around 25-30 miles via Bawdon Lodge was accepted by Trish, Betty, Margaret, Phil, Terry, John and Leigh. Terry was unsure whether his fitness was up to it, but came anyway, and it was! We wiggled through Loughborough to the canal path and out to the industrial estate past the ex-Astra Zeneca site, cricket and rugby pitches and then to Shepshed and Belton. First left took us back to the Ashby Road which we endured for half a mile to the “windmill” crossroads, where we turned right, and headed via Oaks-in-Charnwood to Bawdon. The café was up to its normal high standard and a selection of sweet and savoury items were consumed. 


The steady uphill was continued to the Beacon crossroads, then a largely pedalling free coast down past the golf course, Cropston entrance to Bradgate, then left and to Swithland and Woodhouse. Riders veered off to their homes as we made our way back through Quorn to Loughboro, arriving after about 27 miles at around 1pm.

