
Showing posts from October, 2022

Wednesday, 26th October 2022

The Medium but ‘Slow’ Ride Report by Eric As there was a dearth of Volunteers taking ownership of rides this week, Eric felt obliged to offer his meagre talents once again. The offer was a medium but slow ride to the Bison Farm at Nether Broughton on an unsettled day. 5 poor souls decided to follow: John N, Keith, Dave and Jeff. Despite the “slow' tag they set off at a hectic pace through town and emerged at Cotes. A regroup there and a briefing on what they had let themselves in for and they were off again. Up Bandall’s lane and across to Barrow road and up the first hill to challenge them for the day, on the way to Burton on the wolds. From Burton they took Burton Lane to Wymeswold. Up east road at a steady pace heading to Willoughby on the Wolds. By this point there had already been at least 2 stops for the will it -won’t it dance of the rain jackets. The elderly contingent on the ride erred on the side of caution fearing that pneumonia may carry them away at any time

Wednesday 19th October 2022

Short Ride Report by Phil, ride led by Derek  I was delighted to note the fleeing cyclists, from the Holt Drive assembly point, well before 9.30 . Four groups I think set off and the shortest ride, led magnificently by Derek also comprised Andrew , Pat, Rob and myself.  Despite my most earnest entreaties, Derek showed no pity and we left Loughborough along the Mucklin Wood track. From there it was Swithland and small triangle near the reservoir to another small triangle adjacent to the reservoir segment. Astonishingly, we found that our selected road alongside the reservoir, was closed and separately a board told us that the footpath too was closed. Nevertheless, we rode on only to find that it was not sabotage but genuinely, the road and footpath was shut off.   Back ! barked your correspondent and it was again, triangle near the reservoir to triangle near the reservoir but in the reverse direction.  A discussion was had about audax regulations. From there it was the G.

Saturday 15th October 2022, 150Km Audax

150Km Audax " An Autumn Day Out" Ride report by Jeff   Context Preparation A few weeks ago, Howard invited me to come on a 150km Audax  event. Since then, we have been preparing for the event. The first type of preparation is to familiarise ourselves with the route. Although we didn't want to do the full 150km route before the event, over the weeks leading up to it we went on rides covering different sections of the official route. This also meant we were going on longer rides, and building up our endurance (maybe that bit was more for me than him!) Secondly, we had to make sure we could keep a good pace, and cycle together well as a team. We had been on some bike rides with just the two of us before, so we know each others strengths and weaknesses. But we also added in something new that I'd never done before, which is a chaingang. This is when you go one in front of the other so that the person behind has less air resistance and can relax a bit, and you switch arou

Autumn - a poem provided by Phil

We see signs of summers passing in golden leaves Shortening days, misty mornings ,autumn glow We sense its passing in rain that dampens Winds that chill, harvest's bounty placed on show. Creator who brings forth both green shoot and hoar frost, sunrise and sunset, We bring our thanks for seeds that have grown, harvests gathered, storehouses filled, mouths fed. And, as the cold earth rests through winter's cold embrace, we look forward to its reawakening.

Wednesday 12th October 2022

A sunny autumn day produced an excellent turnout with some 30 + riders splitting into 5 groups. Short Ride Report by John After the three longer rides had departed there were still some sixteen people wanting a short ride. After Terry and Anne had volunteered to lead a ride, John announced that he intended leaving Loughborough past Mucklin Wood and suddenly his group downsized to four. However some riders agreed to endure the bumpy ride and John finally set out accompanied by Marcus, Rob, Myles, John, Andrew, Derek & Sue. Marcus leading Andrew, Rob, Sue, Marcus, Derek & John N.  After negotiating the track past Mucklin Wood the riders headed for Swithland and then on to Rothley. The groups then headed south alongside the A6 before taking the bridge route to Wanlip and then the coffee stop at the Methodist Church Hall in Birstall where tea and cake is obtainable for £2. After refreshment and some pleasant conversation the riders emerged to find that Rob had a flat. Rat