Wednesday 7th September 2022

An early autumn day, which followed the forecast with sunny intervals and showers developing later, saw a good turnout and 3 groups leaving Holt Drive.

Long Ride

Report by Vic

Another Wednesday dawned but the forecast was for rain later.

I had offered to lead a long ride to Launde but on canvassing a few opinions on my arrival at Holt Drive and with the forecast I changed this to Eye Kettleby Lakes. JC duly appeared and read out the menu of rides I ended up with eight.

We set off via the A6 cycle path to Quorn across the Slabs to Barrow up Ratcliffe Road to Ratcliffe then to Thrussington, Hoby, Rotherby, Gaddesby and finally Grest Dalby which left a mile to our destination.

The cake selection was as comprehensive as normal and I liked look the look of the plum tart. Some large scones were consumed by others.

On departing we decided to avoid the main roads so headed back to Great Dalby and a roundabout route to Ashby Folville then back via Gaddsby, Rearsby, East Goscote and onto Cossington where I left the group to wend their own way home.

I had covered 40 miles and about 1900ft of climbing, fortunately the weather had been nice so hopefully everyone enjoyed the ride.

Medium Ride

Report by John

As Graham had volunteered to lead a short ride, John offered a c.30 mile ride to Barkby and was joined by Russell, Margaret, Mike, Betty and Paul.

The group headed south towards Quorn, passing those who had opted for the short ride who were parked on the verge. It appeared that an inner tube needed to be replaced. Having taken the turn towards Barrow on Soar the riders wended their way onto Paudy Lane and then turned right for Seagrave.

The group then headed on south-east t;hrough Thrussington, Rearsby and Gaddesby before taking a right turn through Barsby and South Croxton.

Mike, followed by Margaret, on Croxton Road

The route to Barkby was via Beeby and as they approached that village a notice beside the road stating that coffee and cakes were on sale attracted their attention at Purple Badger camping & fishing lakes. It was decided that it would be a good idea to test what was available and the riders were soon placing orders at "The Coffee Cart". In the summer the coffee cart opens daily between 8am and 1pm, but in the winter these hours only apply Thursday to Sunday.

Russell, Margaret, Mike, Betty and Paul 

After an excellent repast the riders found themselves approaching Barkby rapidly with a tail wind on a slight descent. From Barkby the riders headed back north via East Goscote, Cossington, Sileby, Mountsorrel and Quorn. Arriving back in Loughborough just before 1pm.

Short Ride

Report by Graham

Since I had to be home by 12:00 for domestic reasons, I'd offered to lead a short, 17 miler to Millie's at Barrow, and so, tempted by the cake selection, I was quickly joined in my corner of Holt Square by Eric, Marcus, Sue, Myles, Robert and Andrew. We 7 were about to make our escape when we were joined by Jeff and Adam, thereby halving the average age of the group!

So, nine strong, we headed out past the Beehive along Meadow Lane, turning right just before Stanford, and following the back lanes towards Walton on the Wolds, turning right just before the village along New Lane, behind the church. Then a short steep climb, followed by a long shallower climb brought us to Paudy Lane, where we turned right down the hill, arriving at Millie's within the hour.

The size of the group meant we had to split across 2 tables, although Sue did a commendable impression of Phil by rearranging them into one larger one. 2 separate conversations ensued, touching on such unlikely topics as one of the party having met the leading female expert on sexual matters in the Arab world! Eric's further curiosity was thankfully rebuffed and the conversation was steered onto more wholesome matters.

Andrew, Myles, Eric (above him), Marcus, Jeff (Sue hidden behind her), Robert & Adam

Fed and watered, we continued down Paudy Lane, and I paid little attention to a section of blue police tape on our left, but on local news that evening I learned there had been a murder in that part of Barrow the night before!

Anyway, left at the Hunting Lodge and right onto Slash Lane brought us into Mountsorrel, where Eric left the group for Sileby, and I went up through the quarry towards Swithland, leaving the Loughborough contingent to find their way back along the old A6. At least I hope they did.
