Wednesday 3rd August 2022

The weather forecast had been for a dry day with sunny intervals, but as riders arrived at Holt drive some ominously dark clouds put in an appearance and a slight drizzle set in.

Short Ride

Report by John

Once the other 3 rides had left, just Rosalind, Derek, Pat & John remained.

The original thinking for the refreshment stop had been Bardon Lodge Farm, but as Keith intended leading his group there it was decided to head for the Beacon Park tea room.

The group headed out across Garendon Park with the rain steadily increasing in intensity. Unfortunately most the the riders had relied on the weather forecast and had no waterproofs. Luckily it was August and not too cold. By the time they arrived in Charley Road the sun was putting in an appearance and the riders gradually dried out.

Rosalind descending Deans Lane.

Rather than go straight over Beacon Hill the riders took a left and climbed and descended Deans Lane before arriving at Beacon Hill tea room (off Breakback Road).

Pat & Derek on Deans Lane

After consuming various cakes the riders returned to Loughborough via Woodhouse, where Derek turned off past Mucklin Wood, and Quorn ,where Pat left the group. Rosalind and John arrived back in Loughborough just after noon.


Medium Ride

Report by Keith

With the rain just starting eight of us left Holt drive – Myles, Marcus, Andrew, John, Paul, Rob S, Dom and Keith. By the time we had passed the university campus a stop for waterproofs was made, though not all had come prepared. So we dripped along the Garendon Trail, following Route 6 through Belton and Osgathorpe up towards Cloud Trail. By the time we reached the Top Brand road we were in dry weather, and stripped off our outer layers.

Andrew, Myles, Dom, Rob, John & Paul

It was then left down to the cross-roads and immediately left onto Stourdon Lane (a new road for some) and down to the Ashby Road. Here started the long climb up through Thringstone, Warren lane and Swannymote Road. We all regrouped at the top, where it became apparent that Marcus’ long sejour in France and Spain had definitely had an adverse impact on his cycling fitness! 


It was also decided to change the planned cafĂ© stop from Bawdon Lodge to St Joseph’s tea room, but we arrived just behind two other groups of cyclists, and ended up taking over an hour there. This meant a curtailment of the planned route, so after Oaks-in-Charnwood 4 folk turned off to Loughborough at Charley cross-roads, and the rest continued up to the Beacon and back through Quorn, arriving back after about 26 miles at just after 1pm.
